MKAU Interviews – Pablo Cerrutti (Purple Tree Studio) Upcoming Game, Ponpu

Last week, MKAU Gaming was lucky enough have a chat with Pablo Cerrutti, Art Director and Co-Founder at Purple Tree Studio about their upcoming game, Ponpu.

  1. MKAU: What gameplay elements that would really stand out for someone new to the game that you are excited about?
    Pablo: I will say that the gameplay twists make it unique and fun. The single-player mode has a lot of humor, exploration, and the boss fights are really challenging and visually fun.
  2. MKAU: How long is the single player campaign expected to be?
    Pablo: It depends on who skilled of a player you are, so the completion time is going to change depending on how you play, how you defeat bosses, and more.
  3. MKAU: Will the campaign have co-op?
    Pablo: The campaign is single player only.
  4. MKAU: Will the game be cross platform?
    Pablo: Right now, we don’t have any plans for cross-platform multiplayer.
  5. MKAU: Who do we have to thank for the cool art style of the game and can we give them a shoutout?
    Pablo: Thanks for the compliment! It’s been a collaborative team effort from our art department. Humor has been a big part of our process and the team has done a great job coming up with a visual style that’s really unique, memorable, and funny. One of our developers even said that if the game sold 1 million copies, he’d change his name to “Jhon Charles Ponpu!”
  6. MKAU: For the multiplayer, you have Classic Deathmatch, Coin Steal and Paint Battle. Will there be any more multiplayer game modes expected?
    Pablo: So far, those three modes are what we’re focused on. But if player feedback is good, maybe we’ll add more down the road.
  7. MKAU: What game mode is your favourite?
    Pablo: Honestly, I like them all. But if I had to choose just one it’d have to be Classic Deathmatch.
  8. MKAU: Bomberman has definitely been an inspiration to Ponpu, but are there any other games that have been an inspiration as well?
    Pablo: I’d say The Legend of Zelda has been a big influence on us. Also, the love of anime is something that’s a huge part of the heart of our studio.
  9. MKAU: Can you give us an insight on a few of the Egg based weapons in Ponpu’s arsenal? Along with your favorite?
    Pablo: There are 4 eggs to choose from – a remote controlled egg, a poison egg, an ice egg and a digger egg. Naturally, the remote-controlled egg lets the player denotate it when they want. The poison egg creates a cloud that makes other players controls difficult to use if they touch it. The ice egg freezes other players in place for a few seconds. Lastly, the digger egg is like a mine that can bury itself in the ground. My favorite is the remove egg because during some crazy deathmatch, everyone always forgets about it so I can detonate it when no one is expecting it!
  10. MKAU: Which came first, the duck or the egg?
    Pablo: The Ponpu for sure!

There you have it. We want to give a huge thanks to Pablo Cerrutti for their time. If you’d like to know more about Ponpu, please check out their website HERE. We’ve also added a trailer below for your viewing pleasure.

Get ready to break some eggs in this frantic multiplayer party-game. Ponpu will land in the Fall of 2020 for Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Steam.

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Written by: Simon Hayward


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