Make Your Choice Now: Interactive Trailer For Desperados III Released

Desperados III is all about choices – not about how the story will unfold, but how you can master a certain scenario. Three guards are securing a location you need to enter: You can try to distract them and silently eliminate them one by one – or just march in, guns blazing. The aggressive option might be quicker but can cause more problems like reinforcements storming in or alarming all enemies nearby.

Have a look at the interactive trailer and try what way works best for you!

Free Demo available!

You can’t wait to try Desperados III for yourself? Well, here is your chance: A free (PC) demo with one level from our story-driven, hardcore tactical stealth game is now available on Check it out and see, if Desperados III will be your favourite game of this summer, when it releases on June 16th 2020.

Get the demo here:

Developer Diaries

The series of developer diaries comes to an end with episode six, now available on THQ Nordic’s YouTube Channel. Here are all episodes so far:

Desperados III is available for pre-order now on PC. For the early adopters: The Digital Deluxe Edition is available for pre-order for the price of the Standard Edition for a limited time! Make sure to shoot first, and ask questions later.

The physical side of things always gets some love from everyone here at THQ Nordic and has been up and running for quite some time. The Collector’s Edition is available for pre-order now and comes in hot at an SRP of $199.95.

Check out our entire vendor’s tray over at the pre-order website:

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Written by: MKAU Gaming

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