GenerOZity Teams Up With Black Dog Institute For PAX AUS To Launch Indie Gaming Bundle

Today the Aussie-based charity GenerOZity announced that they are launching the Black Dog Games Vault as part of their attendance at this year’s PAX AUS, with all proceeds from the bundle going to Black Dog Institute as part of their efforts to research and support mental health initiatives across Australia. Donors will have the option to support GenerOZity as part of the process, or they can ensure that their contribution only goes to the Black Dog Institute.

The indie bundle includes support from locally-made games such as HACKNET and Wrestledunk Sports (FractalAlligator), Death Squared (SMG Studios), Exo One (Exbleative), Eyes of Ara (100 Stones Interactive), Amid Evil (New Blood Interactive), and Spin Rhythm XD (Super Spin Digital).

“We’re seeing an increasing need to support mental health in the industry, which is why we wanted to partner with Black Dog Institute,” said Joel Rennie, Founder of GenerOZity. “With constant layoffs, studio closures, and instability, we really wanted to work with a charity that focuses on promoting healthier workplaces and wellbeing.”

Phoebe Collins, Senior Manager of Campaigns and Community Fundraising at Black Dog Institute said of the partnership, “We’re incredibly grateful for GenerOzity’s support promoting mental health within the gaming industry. Their panels are starting important conversations and raising vital funds to help us create better mental health for everyone.”

GenerOZity will be hosting events on the Wombat Stage (such as Game On, Mind Strong: Navigating Mental Health in the Gaming World) at PAX AUS 2024 during Melbourne Games Week. The team will also be selling the new official FROK Pinny Arcade pin at the GenerOZity Merch Booth outside the Wombat Theatre, with all purchases going towards Project Panda, an initiative from Melbourne-based creator Ryan “PandaTV” Dingle combating homelessness. Those who missed out on previous years’ GenerOZity pins (Drop Bread, Love Birbs, Wombo Combo) will still be able to pick them up at the same table, with all proceeds for those pins going to GenerOZity operating costs.

“Partnering with Joel and the team was a no-brainer,” said Ryan Dingle. “GenerOZity has made it possible for us to continue our work empowering disadvantaged youth and the homeless across Australia.”

GenerOZity has raised over $500,000 for charities across Australia, such as Cure Cancer Australia, Childsplay Charity, Checkpoint Organisation, and Fire & Rescue Services (RFS/CFA), with 100% of each donation going to the chosen charity. You can find out more about the GenerOZity team by visiting their website

Written by: MKAU Gaming



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