ESO: Greymoor – Vampire Week Recap Info, Videos & Live Stream

With the lead up to the launch of ESO: Greymoor, here is a bit of a wrap up of the past weeks announcements, which has been all about ESO Vampires, as well as werewolves, witches, and other villainous monsters, which are a big part of ESO’s upcoming Chapter: Greymoor, scheduled to launch on PC and Mac on May 26 and Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on June 9.

Recently Bethesda have been exploring what role these bloodsuckers play in Greymoor and ESO as a whole.

They previewed some of Greymoor’s gothic storyline, the dev team’s “monster creation” process, and how it all ties together in a year-long interconnected story. Additionally, they also released the accompanying Fear the Dark Heart of Skyrim story video that shows off some of the monsters.

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Now they are detailing some of the upcoming changes to the Vampire skill line, their goals for the revamped (har har) and new skills, and how the system is now more meaningful and fun. Bethesda also dropped a “Re-Vamped” skill line overview video that showcases some of the awesome features of being a vampire. You can check that out below.

To learn more about the vampires in ESO check out the latest livestream on Twitch where designers Rob Garrett and Kyle Nowak discussed the revamped skill line, and Dungeon Lead Mike Finnigan gave a sneak peek of the new 12-player Trial coming in Greymoor: Kyne’s Aegis.

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Written by: MKAU Gaming

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