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WRAP UP: UFC 263: Adesanya vs Vettori 2


Paul Craig def. Jamahal Hill via Round 1 submission (armbar)

  • Round 1: Craig launches strong, shooting with kicks to start the round. Hill immediately defends in a guard, then has to fight out of an armbar. Craig locks in another armbar and actually breaks Hill’s arm! Ref doesn’t initially see it, so the fight continues on as Craig transitions to a triangle choke. After further strikes from Craig, the ref calls an end to the fight, after seeing that Hill’s arm is flopping around and he can no longer continue the fight.

Belal Muhammad def. Demian Maia by unanimous decision

  • Round 1: Muhammad fires off a combo to start his fight. Maia tries to fire off a receipt, successfully fires a left-hand strike. Maia then goes for a single-leg takedown, but it’s defended. After a few more attempts, finally connects with a double-leg takedown. Muhammad quickly shakes it off and returns to a standing base, and sneds a straight right strike as a return to sender. Another failed single-leg from Maia ends with him eating a punch again from Muhammad as the round comes to a close.
  • Round 2: Muhammad starts the round again by landing a low kick. The two continue to stand guard, pacing each other and waiting for the moment to strike. Maia’s attack is blocked, Muhammad fires off some leg kicks in return. A quick combo is traded back by Maia. Muhammad lands a clean overhand right, but falls for a fakeout, but is able to land a hard left. Maia counters with a left of his own. Back and forth trade-off as Muhammad fires off another combo, Maia sends another straight left but eats a follow-up combo. Muhammad again denies a takedown, sends a successful left hook strike. Maia desperately wants another takedown, sends Muhammad crashing into the fence during his attempt as the buzzer sounds for the end of the round…
  • Round 3: Third times a charm as Muhammad starts off the round on the attack, landing some right hands. More back and forth trade-off between both men. Muhammad breaks through, lands a left hook and still manages to avoid Maia’s takedown attempts. Solid back and forth strike trade-off from both men, scoring points to keep the round close. Round 2’s ending is copied here, as both men are sent to the cage during Maia’s takedown attempt. Judges score award the fight to Muhammad.

Leon Edwards def. Nate Diaz via unanimous decision

  • Round 1: Edwards, hesitant to start, unloads a hard straight left strike to start out his offense. Diaz responds with a furious flurry. Edwards switches to a low kick, continues to remain hesitant and out of Diaz’s grasp. Diaz fires off some jabs and a taunt, before rushing to get in close via grappling. Edwards ends up shifting his guard, takes down Diaz. Diaz unloads some strikes, manages to fend off Edward’s further grapples before being let up. Buzzer sounds, ending the round.
  • Round 2: Both men exchange some light-weighted offense to start off round 2. Edwards eventually gains momentum, corners Diaz on the cage, and scores a takedown. Diaz shifts, trying to take the leg. Edward squirms his way out and manages to stand up, before hitting a Heavy leg kick that shows signs of damage on Diaz. Diaz, again, taunts Edwards by showcasing his knees. Both men crash into the cage again and the buzzer sounds, ending the round.
  • Round 3: Edwards kicks off round 3 via a nicely landed low kick. Diaz returns with a strike that sends Edwards into the cage. They manage to separate, as Diaz begins to stalk Edwards. Edwards ends up putting Diaz up against the cage again, scoring another takedown. Edwards follows up his success with some brutal elbow strikes, which cuts Diaz open! Edwards, again, allows Diaz to return to a standing base. Edwards once again uses the cage to his advantage, scoring yet another takedown. Edwards hits a hard hook shot that cuts Diaz once more.
  • Round 4: Edwards’ run of successful, round starting kicks continues here as he lands one to start off round 4. Back and forth Jabs from the duo. Diaz grows impatient and tries to unleash, but eats a combo from Edwards, before being swept to the canvas via a foot sweep! Edwards doesn’t follow up, allowing Diaz to return to standing once more. Follow up and a good combo from Diaz and he locks up in a grapple, taking the action back to the cage wall. The men exchange combos to finish off the round.
  • Round 5: Another trifecta of winning starts, as Edwards lands a round-starting offense and trips Diaz -again!. Diaz returns to standing, scores an elbow strike, sending Edwards into the fence. Hard left strike lands hard for Edwards. Diaz shoots out some range-finder jabs, eventually scoring a combo that rocks Edwards. They lock up, break, and a low kick scores for Edward. Edwards attempts a follow-up combo, but Diaz simply shrugs it off. Diaz dodges an incoming strike and scores with a brutal combo that sends Edwards reeling. Diaz continues to stalk but gets clinched. A few exchanges of strikes ended the round, sending the fight to the judges’ score.

UFC Flyweight Championship – Brandon Moreno def. Deiveson Figueiredo via Round 3 submission (rear-naked choke) – NEW CHAMPION CROWNED!

  • Round 1: Challenger Moreno sends out some jabs, lands a leg kick follow-up. Moreno continues on the attack, landing a low kick, left hook, combo, another left hook, and another combo attempt! Figueiredo finally fires back with a knee, takes some counter body shots from Moreno but fires back with one of his own. Moreno’s low kick and left hook attack sends the fight into a grapple. Figueiredo tries a leg kick, but Moreno grapples and lands a knee strike. Moreno follows up with another combo, but the champ hits a low kick to slow the onslaught. Figueiredo fires off a side-kick attempt, a hook kick attempt but gets rocked by a jab from Moreno. Moreno follows him down to the canvas, locking in a half guard lock. Double switch to full guard to a butterfly-lock sees the end of the round.
  • Round 2: Both men fire off huge bombs to start round 2. Figueiredo takes an inside leg takedown on the challenger, scoring a follow-up half guard. The champ teases a guillotine choke but strangely bails out at the last second. Moreno manages to score a safeguard and scurries to secure a rear waist lock. Figueiredo counters the switch and secures his guard. He tries to get Moreno off his back via a roll, but to no avail.
  • Round 3: Challenger Moreno sends out some rangefinders to kick off round 3, eats a spinning back kick from the Champ, but sends back a right hand. Moreno takes down Figueiredo with a clean leg trip, immediately jumping on his back. Moreno locks in a deep rear-naked choke, Champ attempts to fight it off, but the hold is locked in tighter. Figueiredo tapes out, and that’s it! Brandon Moreno is the new UFC Flyweight Champion!

MAIN EVENT – UFC MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP – Israel Adesanya (c) def. Marvin Vettori by unanimous decision

  • Round 1: Challenger Vettori is on the attack early on, but Champ Adesanya sends out range finder kicks as Vettori stalks around him. Vettori attempts a combo, as the Champ continues with his range finders. Vettori connects with a low kick, resulting in a takedown. Adesanya scrambles to the cage to get back to his feet, connecting with an elbow as the two men peel
  • off. Vettori pressing forward with combinations. Adesanya tries to counter as the fight backs towards the cage fence. The Champ lands a clean calf kick, followed by a rapid combo of strikes. Momentum shifts as Adesanya tries for a follow-up head kick, only to have it countered by a body shot from Vettori. Vettori shoots off a wild overhand left strike, with the Champ seemingly mocking him for the failed attempt.
  • Round 2: Both men kick off the round via 1-for-1 leg kicks. Fight once again returns to the cage fence, as both men unload huge high strikes. Adesanya switches up and starts to deliver successful low kicks. Vettori is still putting on the pressure, whilst doing his best to avoid incoming head kicks. Some jab exchange from both men intensifies as Vettori takes the action back to the cage once more. Solid elbows from Adesanya as he defends. They separate as Vettori tries a combination.
  • Round 3: It’s Adesanya’s turn to start the round off swinging, landing a front kick. The Champ gets taken off guard, as a failed counter sees him getting taken down to a half guard against the cage. Rapid short punches land for Vettori, who takes Adesanya’s back when the Champ tries to stand. Adesanya spins the climbing back attempt into a guard of his own, aiming to follow up with elbow strikes. Vettori targets the leg, manages to get back to his feet, only to take a sudden finger to the eye. The fight continues as the Champ lands both a hard uppercut, followed by a low kick that sends Vettori reeling. The men exchange an even flow of kicks and eventually the Champ lands a devastating heavy shot in the closing seconds of the round.
  • Round 4: Champ continues his onslaught here by firing off some kicks and combos early in the round. Vettori, applying the pressure, lands a hard left to the body. Vettori looks to quickly follow up the pressure by racing into a double-leg takedown, lands it, only for the Champ to counter it into a half guard. Surprisingly, he breaks the hold and lets the challenge return to his feet. No major swing in momentum here, as both men manage to land some strikes but nothing that allows a further opening.
  • Round 5: Hat trick succession rate sees the Champ start the round off on the offensive once again, landing a hard kick to the leg. Vettori swoops under a strike attempt, pushing Adesanya into the cage. But they separate, only for a head kick attempt from the Champ forcing them back into the action. Vettori, still pressing forward, tries a combo attempt. Right-hand receipt delivered from Adesanya, but Vettori changes strike levels, swings around for a waist lock, aiming to lock in a back choke. Adesanya spins around, but the Ref splits them up?! There’s a few more back and forth combos from the duo as the timer runs out on the round, and the match.

Written by: Brutaleo


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