Waifu Uncovered

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Waifu Uncovered – Review

OK gang, let’s take a look at this new take on the traditional Space Invaders game by One-Hand-Free-Studios, who have… Wait… Back it up a little. Is that company called One-Hand-Free-Studios??? *looks at the game*… You know what, never mind. That makes sense. Want to know why? Keep on reading.

Alright, as I was saying, One-Hand-Free-Studios have given us their version of Space Invaders, and I am thoroughly impressed. They’ve taken a game that was super popular back in the early 80’s and targeted it at today’s younger generation by incorporating memes and Waifus. For those not in the know, a Waifu is a fictional anime/cartoon character that has great sexual appeal.

This sexual appeal is only increased by the fact that as you progress through the game, the Waifus become “uncovered”. There’s even a “one finger mode” for when you’re…multitasking. In a generation where Anime and Manga have an ever increasing presence, this is a stroke of pure genius. See what I did there? I know. I’m hilarious. MOVING ON!

Your job in ‘Waifu Uncovered’ is to save the 8 beautiful maidens that are under attack from Aliens. Those dastardly Aliens have infested our sweet maidens clothing with a virus. Those poor, poor girls. Clearly the only sensible thing to do is to shoot the aliens until their evil clothing disappears off the ladies!

The gameplay for Waifu Uncovered is extremely basic. Taking control of a laser shooting spaceship, you fly around shooting a range of meme-inspired enemies, from Hello Kitty to buttholes, and my personal favourite, the skulls inspired straight out of Mars Attacks!

You get boosters to your ship as the levels progress, just make sure you dodge the flashing red ones as they are downgrades. You also have to dodge the downpour of enemy fire, but most of these enemy missiles can be shot out of the sky before they hit you.

Whilst there’s nothing overly new here, something tells me most people that pick this game up aren’t exactly looking for new and high-quality gameplay. The lovely ladies that you are saving make up the background of the levels you play across, and you get to watch as bit by bit those bad bad clothing pieces fall away. Finally you come across the boss. These also have incredible naming themes such as “Pussy Rabbit” and “Leave My Balls Alone”.

This game is a giant meme and I absolutely love it. At first the “uncovered” levels are locked and you’ll need to complete a few levels before you can unlock the naughtier versions. The only difference between the two is whether or not the naughty bits are covered by well placed soda can spray or grass from a soccer field. Even the uncovered levels keep the game to an MA15+ rather than anything too inappropriate. Probably the only way they managed to sneak this game into the Nintendo Store.

Summing this game up- it’s just fun. It’s an entertaining remake of Space Invaders that will give you something to play when you’re bored, and is almost guaranteed to make you smile. That being said, it’s also only around $5. I’ve paid a lot more and had a lot less fun. ‘Waifu Uncovered’ hit it’s mark spot on with this game, and I highly recommend it just for the laughs.

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The Good

  • Anime Waifus
  • Anime Waifus
  • Oh, Anime Waifus
  • Simple fun gameplay

Written by: HadesTheHobo


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