There Is No Light

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There Is No Light – Preview

‘There Is No Light’ is a brand-new RPG, indie game title, developed by indie studio, Zelart, and published by Hype Train Digital, complemented by retro pixelated graphics.


From what I could gather thus far from this preview, There Is No Light’s story mode consists of an entity known as “The Great Hand”, who’s goal appears to literally reach down and take newborn children from the remains of humanity. Unfortunately for The Great Hand, he’s taken the wrong child; yours! Your role is to now venture forth and rescue your child!

As per accustomed to most RPGs these days, the story (and your choices) are yours and yours alone to make. If you want to streamline it by doing all the missions, back to back, and finish up in due time then, by all means, go ahead, however, there are side missions and alternative outcomes to your story, dictated by your actions and choices , in this case ‘Morality’. This gives the game high replay value and if you’ve an avid reader of my reviews, you’ll know how much I enjoy high replay value!

Combat system is, once again, a similar RPG-esque mode entitled ‘Rage’. Predictably, your attack power rises over time. The more time in battle, the more ‘rage’ you gain and therefore the harder you shall hit! Easy to pick up and adapt to.

Weapons have been strewed across the world, allowing for you to pick and choose your favourite during your travels. The game allows you to switch between 4 weapons at one time. I found out that stringing together combos and switching weapons mid-combo to continue slashing was hugely addictive, plus, it didn’t drop the combo either! Win, win!


I am hooked to find out more about this game! The art style is very neat and a solid tribute to the classic eras of RPGS (think Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 style). Soundtrack and effects are perfected used and blend in nicely with the on-screen graphics making for a solid experience when all coupled together.

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The Good

  • Fantastic retro pixel designs
  • High replay value!
  • Play-as-you-want storyline

The Bad

  • Too short of a demo: highly addicted!
  • Some fights feel repetitive
  • Names of mechanics feel a bit cheap (Rage meter being one)

Written by: Brutaleo


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