The Search For Fran 2

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The Search For Fran 2 – Review

The Search for Fran 2, developed by Archor Wright, is an adventure game where you go on a quest to find Fran, this time in Sans Fran City. While searching you can talk to people and get quests to aid you in your search, and along the way collect glorbs, drive cars, or just fly around in the free camera mode.

This game is built around the city used for The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 demo and utilizes most of the features to control the population, traffic, and time in the city.

With a very basic “go here, then go here” quest system, it gets repetitive and boring real quick, only taking a little over ½ an hour to complete. Even if you focus on the collection of glorbs, you won’t be adding any extra time to your playthrough; they are all placed right next to the quest markers. If they were randomly scattered through the city, it would have at least given me something to look for.

Most of the game looks good due to the free-to-use city and Unreal Engine 5 software. As for the rest of the game, the character models and NPCs you can interact with for quests are pretty lackluster and don’t fit the rest of the game well at all.

Sound effects were mostly built-in with the city demo, and the voices that were added in were just a bunch of different text-to-speech voices. I found it very boring and didn’t even bother listening to what they said. Instead, I just looked for my next marker and went on my way.

To be brutally honest, The Search for Frans 2 was just a terrible and boring experience. The only thing I enjoyed was driving around the city, but this is already in the UE5 demo. I do not recommend this game at all. Unless you absolutely must play The Search for Fran sequel, but if you want to drive around and experience the city made for The Matrix Awakens, get the demo instead.

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The Good

  • Unreal Engine 5 city demo

The Bad

  • Short
  • Repetitive
  • Text-to-speech voices
  • Terrible character models

Written by: MrVibeAU


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