The Expanse – A Telltale Series

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The Expanse – A Telltale Series (Episode 4) – Review

Being stranded and alone in space would not be the most pleasant experience, and I guess you could use the famous quote, “No one can hear your scream in space” for this exact moment. ‘The Expanse’ Episode 4 takes you to a whole new level of distraught and loneliness as you have been exiled from the ship and are now stranded on Ceres.

Camina Drummer sets out to find a way to get out of this rock, and her only possible option is to find a way to send a distress signal. Stuck with your own thoughts and no help whatsoever, you have to navigate your way through this old space station after completing a puzzle right at the beginning, which I won’t lie, took me a little to figure out.

However, the puzzle won’t be the only issue you have to work your way through. Being alone with limited oxygen, it’s not long before hypoxia takes over and you begin to hallucinate. Due to lack of oxygen, you start hearing voices, and not knowing where they are coming from, you have the option to believe and react to them as if they are real or fight against them to keep your own will alive.

The Space Station Ceres is quite familiar as you recently navigated your way through, but you do find yourself in different areas showing that much more to this old relic. What really made this episode unique was the hypoxia and hallucinations. Hearing those voices and deciding how to respond was interesting. Although a little slow, this was quite a pivotal episode right towards the end.

Fighting through and managing to find your way, with almost all hope lost and possible help from thoughts of close ones, you find yourself in the presence of unlikely companions. Choosing where this will potentially take you is quite exciting as we close in on the final episode.

This episode focuses more on cinematics rather than puzzles and mechanics, with a few QTEs and no major options to change the narrative until right at the end. You mostly get to learn about Camina Drummer that little bit more, and naturally, the voice actress does a great job of putting you in her shoes.

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The Good

  • Very exciting ending
  • Learn more about Camina Drummer
  • Great setting using hypoxia and hallucinations

The Bad

  • The episode was a bit slow
  • No Major narrative options

Written by: MrVibeAU


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