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Tentacular (PS VR2) – Review

With the launch of the new Playstation VR2 headset comes a plethora of new VR experiences to get absorbed in, and this past week I’ve been able to get my slimy tentacles on Tentacular.

Tentacular, created by Firepunchd Games UG and published by Devovler Digital, originally released on 24th March 2022, has made its way to PS VR2. Tentacular is about a mighty-yet-mild tentacle monster raised by the quirky townsfolk of La Kalma, a remote island colony packed with puzzles.

You can see our original review here => https://www.mkaugaming.com/all-review-list/tentacular-review/

It’s time to get to work and help the humans, whilst also discovering where you came from and figuring out your place in the world. Take up a variety of jobs, from garbage disposal to renovation, or get your creative juices flowing in the ever-exceptional Sandbox mode. There is loads of fun and adventure to be had, so let’s dive in.

You can play Tentacular either seated, standing, or at room scale, but I spent the majority of my time mixing it up between being seated and standing for those harder-to-reach places. Tentacular offers a fantastic tutorial system and tracking my mission objectives were very nicely done throughout the game.

Much like the original release, communication with the humans can be achieved by a slimy little pat on the head, but this time around there are those that like to keep things professional, which brings in a clever use of the new eye tracking technology, which introduces being able to look at which person you want to talk to and engaging in conversation.

While we are on the topic of new technology, we absolutely need to talk about the PS VR2 Sense controllers. The implementation of the Sense controller’s adaptive triggers is flawless in this game and very enjoyable. I found myself thoroughly enjoying picking up big and bulky items; feeling the tension of the trigger tighten and loosen off while I’m moving things around truly makes items feel quite weighted. The haptic feedback in the controllers gets the senses tingled, whether it’s subtle nudges or slamming a container on the ground in frustration.

Those that know me well know that, generally, I would try and avoid puzzle games, however, with the way that Tentacular delivers on the total experience, it is very easy to see that a lot of thought has gone into keeping players engaged, through a very carefully crafted blend of storytelling, intertwined with great humour, and rather unique inventive-styled puzzles.

One of the bigger things that kept me coming back for more was the very clever progression mechanic within sandbox mode. The more puzzles you solve, the more items and tools you will unlock, one of my favourite puzzle types was where I also got to get a little creative and build some rather wobbly, but completely “safe” structures.

Visually I didn’t really notice much of a difference between the original release and the PS VR2 version of the game. Everything was very clear and no blasted screen door could be seen anywhere, and the use of 3D audio in the game manages to deliver a very real-sounding environment, something that I’ve grown quite fond of on the PS5.

Tentacular is a fantastic entry into the PS VR2 lineup that will keep you suckered in for many a chaotic good time. Whether you’re new to VR and learning the ropes, or you’re a veteran in the VR space, this game is well worth the addition to your growing VR library, and if Tentacular is anything to go by, I look forward to seeing more from Firepunchd Games UG in the future.

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The Good

  • Very fun engaging puzzles
  • Easy to track objectives
  • Eye tracking
  • Amazing use of adaptive triggers
  • Simple intuitive controls
  • Super fun physics
  • Play seated, standing or roomscale

The Bad

  • Levels could be a little longer

Written by: Gary Nielsen


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