Station To Station

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Station To Station (Steam) – Review

Developed by Galaxy Grove and published by Prismatika, LEGO, and trains come together on a whole new level. This game brings strategy and money saving to the max, and it will have you cutting costs to find the best route possible, and the playing field opens up in a world built from LEGO.

Station to Station brings us a serene and engaging experience, starting with a small set of rural structures. Your goal is to expand and create a vibrant and ever-expanding city, with a lush environment full of colour and life. This game will push your mind to engage puzzle elements that will challenge you at every turn.

The gameplay brings you a top-down view of your land, dotted with preassigned buildings that need to be connected by stations and railway tracks, and you need to find the best route possible. As the levels go on, there will be more buildings you need to connect together, adding to the difficulty and requiring more strategy. The controls are intuitive, and you can use a mouse and keyboard or a controller to navigate your way around the map, with a basic tutorial getting you off your feet and into the world of trains.

It’s a visual beauty that shows off its artistic nature and brings it to a whole new level. The world pulls you in, with the land filled with vibrant colours, shading, and landscape detail, with brilliantly crafted structures and trains, bringing you a visually stunning world put together with LEGO.

The sound brings everything to life with the upbeat main soundtrack, which will change the mood altogether. It contains a remarkable level of audio detail, with realistic train sounds like the wheels grinding on the tracks and the wildlife being brought to life. These sounds add an extra layer of fulfillment to the game, making them more rewarding.

Station to Station is an experience like no other, bringing together serene beauty and strategic gameplay. Transforming the map from a deserted land to a thriving city, or dry deserts to lush landscapes is very fulfilling. It steers players to lean back, relax, and enjoy the process of building to expand their world. The attention to detail that Station to Station shows is the effect of hard work, and playing the game provides a great sense of achievement.

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The Good

  • Peaceful gaming experience
  • Intuitive controls
  • Beautiful voxel art

The Bad

  • More gameplay variety
  • Puzzle elements not challenging enough

Written by: TypicalCambieAU


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