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Spoiler Alert – Review

Based on the critically acclaimed memoir book, Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies, written by Michael Ausiello, Spoiler Alert is a biographical romantic-comedy-drama film adaptation, telling the real-life story of Michael Ausiello, and his partner, Kit Cowan. The film stars the multi-award-winning Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge, and was directed by Michael Showalter.

Michael Ausiello is a writer working for TV Guide in New York City, who one night gets convinced by his best friend to put aside his work for once, and join him for a night out at a queer nightclub. While hanging by the bar, he makes eye contact with professional photographer Kit Cowan on the dance floor, deciding to take a chance and try chatting with him. After feeling instant attraction towards each other, they later meet up again for dinner to get to know each other better. From there, the two become even closer and begin a serious relationship soon after. Years later, however, their world gets turned upside down when Kit becomes diagnosed with cancer, with the doctor informing the couple that he may only have a few years left to live.

The film’s primary focus is on the relationship between Michael Ausiello and Kit Cowan, detailing their romance, the challenges they faced, and trying to get the most out of life with Kit’s health complications. Michael is portrayed by Jim Parsons, who’s best known as Sheldon Cooper in the long-running sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, and Kit is brought to life by Ben Aldridge, who’s best known as Thomas Wayne in Pennyworth, as well as his roles in Fleabag, Our Girl and The Long Call.

Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge are two prolific gay actors and their chemistry on screen together couldn’t be more perfect. Audiences will feel every emotion that Michael and Kit do, through all their triumphs and tragedies, as well as their awkward moments, frustrations, jealousy, and habits that irritate each other. Even with all the complications they faced, it’s clear that they need each other more than anything and always try to find ways to work things out, which brings them closer than before.

Their relationship not only enriches their lives, but also the lives of their friends and families. The film does an amazing job of showing the character development of not just Michael and Kit, but also those close to them, especially Kit’s parents, portrayed by film legends Sally Field and Bill Irwin, who even though they’re supporting characters, have many memorable moments on screen.

The film is also narrated by Jim Parsons speaking from Michael Ausiello’s point of view, emphasising how his life was influenced by television when he talks about his childhood in the form of a sitcom. His narration helps give audiences more insight into what was on his mind during very significant moments in his life, but his and everyone else’s acting ability is what really makes the film as it takes audiences on a real emotional rollercoaster, which is honestly an understatement, to say the least.

Even with their unfortunate circumstances, they are a perfect example of the saying, “Live life to the fullest”, because life really can be short, but they didn’t let that stop them from having an amazing relationship and getting the most out of life.

There will be moments where audiences can’t help but cry, but also some incredibly uplifting and happy moments with plenty of comedy. Spoiler Alert never forgets it’s a drama, but also never forgets it’s a comedy. Even during their darkest times, Michael and Kit still show plenty of optimism and never lose their sense of humour, always trying to see the positive in everything.

There are many romantic LGBTQIA+ movies out there, but the majority seem to follow the common trend of being sad, depressing, and tragic. Spoiler Alert proves that a movie about a same-sex relationship can also be fun-loving, comedic, and uplifting, even though it is overall a sad story and one that is told beautifully.

There is never ever a dull moment in the entire film. It has the perfect balance of drama and comedy, where even 5 minutes of the movie can feel like an eternity, keeping the audience in suspense and anticipating what might happen next. Even in the scenes where the couple isn’t doing anything, it still manages to show so much emotion.

It can’t be said enough about Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge’s on-screen chemistry together and even when they’re apart. They just manage to draw you into every single aspect of the story that’s incredibly well-paced, thought out, and never rushed.

The true story of Michael Ausiello and Kit Cowan is no doubt a sad one, so be prepared to cry, and cry a lot, then cry even more. The way it makes you feel and experience every emotion, from all their triumphs and tragedy is truly a testament to the acting talents of Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge, and their perfect on-screen chemistry, as well as the directing of Michael Showalter.

It is no doubt one of the best LGBTQIA+ romance films out there, and dare I say, even better than Brokeback Mountain. It shows that even in very unfortunate circumstances, anyone can still get the most out of life and live it to the fullest, no matter how short it may be.

As stated by Michael Ausiello himself, the film adaptation actually does justice to his story, his book, and most importantly, his relationship with Kit Cowan and those close to them. Spoiler Alert is a movie that is perfectly comfortable in its own skin, tells a beautiful story full of triumph and tragedy, and is an absolute must-see!

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The Good

  • Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge’s on screen chemistry
  • A beautiful true story full of triumph and tragedy
  • Audiences will feel every emotion the characters feel
  • Perfect balance of drama and comedy
  • Film shows their relationship enriching their lives and everyone around them
  • One of the best LGBT romance films
  • Guaranteed to make you cry
  • Incredibly well paced and never rushed
  • Based on a critically acclaimed memoir book written by by Michael Ausiello
  • Actually does justice to the book as stated by Michael Ausiello himself

Written by: Sammy Hanson


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