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SokoChess – Review

Calling all chess players, do you copy? This game might be for you if you’re into a minimalistic puzzle chess game! ‘SokoChess’ is a minimalistic puzzle game that combines Chess with the Sokoban Block pushing formula. The goal of each level is to move the opposing chess piece into a predetermined position while making sure you do not lose your chess piece in the process.

It is an easy game to learn and play. You move Chess pieces into a position and once you’ve done so, you’ve won the level. It’s simple! The graphics of the game are as simple as the design of the game. It isn’t supposed to be something that you run at 600 frames per second, but it’s still something that you can sit down for thirty-five minutes and get your brain working! At the start, you get a tutorial to teach you to play the game and it’s a quick rundown on what to do and how to do things.

There isn’t much behind SokoChess. It’s a game that you can play and enjoy, if you’re into this type of puzzler you can keep on playing since there are many levels to play. The game’s music and sounds are very relaxing and suitable for this type of experience. It’s not too over-the-top or none at all. If you’re not into the music you can always turn it off afterwards, but I do recommend having some of the music playing whilst you are playing the game, as it adds to the atmosphere.

If you’re having any difficulty with a level, you have the choice of skipping it. This is because if you’re unable to do that particular level, you can always go on ahead and try doing another instead. There are no consequences for skipping a level. Once you skip a level, you can always come back to that level another time and attempt to finish what you started. Remembering though, the game will get even more challenging the further you progress.

The game can get repetitive after a while of playing, as it is the same thing over and over again. Once you complete a level it does get different, but you’re doing the same thing again just on a different level, with a different objective to complete. It would be helpful to have an additional game mode or difficulty level, something that would just make the game less repetitive and a little more interesting.

As SokoChest is a small game, it currently does not have a Multiplayer function, I don’t believe this will be added, as the game is mainly for a single-player experience, but who doesn’t like a single-player chess puzzle game occasionally? Even if a Multiplayer mode is added, it might be very different from the current game, and it could add that more competitive nature it so sorely needs.

As the game is currently unreleased, there will most likely be more features available by the time it is fully released. There could be different levels, game modes, and more, so your brain might get even more of a puzzle! Who knows, maybe you can finish the chess? Or will the chess finish you

SokoChest may have a puzzling future ahead of them, as the game seems simple to pick up but repetitive. It may need a few game changes before anything big happens and something big should happen, as the game isn’t really interesting when playing through it. Yes, it’s puzzling, but it won’t keep you coming back for more after much initial gameplay.

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The Good

  • Simple UI
  • Music
  • Easy controls

The Bad

  • Can get repetitive quickly
  • Lose interest after a while

Written by: Mitchell Batchelor


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