Size Matters

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Size Matters – Review

This is it, my friends. Definitive proof that, despite what many of my partners have tried to reassure me, size really does matter. At least it certainly does when you’re a rapidly shrinking scientist doing your best to concoct a cure! Brought to us by the developers at Mazen Games, ‘Size Matters’ is the latest in their growing repertoire of games, each one getting bigger and better. Well not BIGGER, in the case of this shrinking race against the clock, but you know what I mean. Can you save yourself before you shrink right out of existence?

In Size Matters, you take control of a scientist who has inadvertently set himself on the path to miniaturisation. Your job is to run around the laboratory gathering the required chemicals and finding all the recipes needed to create the cure. There are a handful of laboratories to work in, as well as various pieces of equipment you need to use to either cook, code, or combine the different chemicals into 3 “keys” before you are cured.

However, the trick is that each second that passes the lab seems to get bigger, or are you just getting smaller? Uh-oh! Simple tasks like moving around vials are suddenly harder as the bench is now above your head. Even just maneuvering around the lab now requires some athletic prowess and you jump from chair to table to shelf.

For all that race against the clock gag, it’s never really a “challenge”. The timer is relatively gentle, once you get the hang of getting everything together first and then just following the steps. In fact, the game even tells you how many ingredients and recipes there are, something I’d love to see an option to remove.

However, for a game that’s not that challenging, it’s still a lot of fun. There’s an anti-gravity mode that’s just funny, the custom mode allows you to make the game a lot harder if you really want a challenge, and you can even customise your own chemicals for an entertaining little exercise that I think streamers, in particular, may have fun with.

Controls are pretty standard, and movement around the lab is really smooth. Drawers and doors that need to be opened automatically close as you open the next, making it easier again. The hardest part of the game is probably the picking up/controlling of the various vials.

“Click and hold” to pick up is all well and good when you start, as your size isn’t an issue. However, as you get smaller it gets harder to grab the chemicals without spilling them or flat out dropping them, shattering the container. All is not lost, however. The game again is really forgiving and you simply request a replacement at one of the labs’ machines.

It’s a single-player game, however, I would LOVE a multiplayer option, as I feel it’s the kind of game that would leave you in fits of laughter with a friend. Maybe, it’s just my perverse desire to see the scientists shrinking from the outside.

Size Matters is a lot of fun. Like a smaller and much less stressful version of Cooking Simulator, I really enjoyed the game. With its hand-holding attitude, I would love to see a few more options to make the game harder, just to give the game that little bit of a challenge. If you’re looking for a chill game with a laugh, definitely pick this one up.

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The Good

  • Great concept
  • Funny; amusing watching everything grow as you shrink
  • Achievement hunters dream

The Bad

  • Too easy, no real challenges
  • Repetitive

Written by: HadesTheHobo


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