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Showgunners – Review

A gruesome game show set in a dystopian cyberpunk world? Count me in! Diving into this game was pretty exciting. I don’t usually take on turn-based games like this, but it definitely caught my attention.

Developed by Artificer, Showgunners is turn-based tactical combat with some open exploring and puzzle aspects. Formerly known as Homicidal All-Stars, which in my opinion, and shared by many others, is a much better name, you take on the role of Scarlett, fighting your way through the bloodsport of the future in this dystopian cyberpunk world. Being cast to millions of people, this high-stakes reality game show is nothing to bat your eye at. In order to win, you must navigate dangerous areas littered with deadly traps and take on hordes of heavily armed psychopaths.

Being set in such a dissociated environment where there is a lack of care for others, being pitted against other humans and robots, all hosted and broadcasted on live TV, is quite surreal. As there isn’t an insanely in-depth story, it is still quite entertaining as you strive for fame; to be the greatest champion; the Homicidal All-Star.

If you are into turn-based tactical combat this will definitely satisfy that itch while offering something a little more. With many ways to approach each situation, whether you like to keep your distance or get up close and personal, the choice is yours, but not all choices are yours. There’s always a mastermind behind these things, especially on a big reality game show such as Homicidal All-Star. Being controlled by a diabolical show director, things might get changed up, hindering Scarlett or aiding her opponents.

Having such a dynamic level design makes each encounter and level feel unique and keeps players on their toes, but lucky enough, Scarlett doesn’t have to fight alone. As you progress through, you’ll recruit new partners, each with their own unique skills and abilities. These can be upgraded by spending talent points in each character’s unique skill tree, which is not too in-depth. I personally do not mind this, but I do understand that a lot of fans of the genre would like a lot more to work with.

Not only is the skill tree a way of bettering your chances of survival, but there is also a selection of weapons, implants, and sponsorships to earn along the way. Scarlett and the partners you encounter along the way have a set weapon type they each use that can be swapped out for better versions, mostly upgrading the amount of damage, ammo, and range. For example, guns might have an amazing amount of ammo, allowing you to last longer without wasting a turn on reloading, but this will come with a hindrance to range and vice-versa.

Implants give an added layer of customizability, and there’s a decent variety to choose from, but they are mostly simple upgrades to stats like health or movement range, with some adding passive abilities like regeneration and resistance to a multitude of statuses. These implants, however, are not transferable between characters.

Sponsorships are a great way to give you more of an edge. Starting out with the lower tier sponsorships, you’ll be offered 3 to choose from, depending on your fan interactivity and fame which we’ll get to in a moment. These sponsorships include the choice of some grenades, medkits, or 1000XP, and you can only choose one, so choose wisely. As you get more popular, you’ll have much better rewards to choose from.

I just mentioned fan interactivity and fame, and there are a couple of ways to increase these. As you explore the areas between the arenas, you’ll have the option to approach fans and sign autographs. Or not. That’s up to you. Depending on the reaction you choose depends on the sponsorship deals you’ll be offered. The fame is increased by completing ambushes, alternative arenas, and main story arenas. The better you do, the higher the reward, and I suggest keeping your whole party alive. Also, if you would like, you can donate unwanted weapons and equipment to earn a little bit more.

For any streamers out there, Showgunners offers a Twitch mode where you choose an arena and a team. Here, your chat will be able to interact with your game using # followed by keywords on the screen. Starting out with a simple feature, using #(name) will allow viewers to name enemies after their username, but that’s just the beginning. Viewers have an array of ways to interact, whether they want to help you by spawning health, or want to make your game harder by spawning more enemies. Along with a bunch more options, this is a great feature and I look forward to having a crack at it.

The dystopian cyberpunk world is split up into two ways of playing and exploring. First, within arenas and ambushes, you’ll be locked into turn-based combat while still having the ability to move around with your camera and see the detail they put into each level. Second, you’ll have full control over your character as you move through the streets, alleys, and subways, navigating traps and puzzles, and finding precious loot. All of this aesthetically looks similar, but it’s so well designed that each area you explore and fight through feels unique.

Being curated by an announcer who was nothing short of amazing really gave it that reality/game show vibe. Announcing what was currently happening and hyping up the crowd really brought Showgunners to life. Accompanied by a great soundtrack, great gun sounds, excellent overall sound design, and of course, the sounds of bodies being blown to smithereens. Gruesemly satisfying!

Showgunners offers a great variety of playability and twists to keep you on your toes. Set in a beautifully crafted dystopian cyberpunk world that doesn’t feel repetitive because each area is unique each with its own obstacles to overcome. A great turn-based tactical combat title for newcomers and fans of the genre.

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The Good

  • Beautifully crafted dystopian cyberpunk world
  • Great all-round sound design
  • Decent variety of playability
  • Good cast of characters, especially the announcer
  • World to explore outside of combat that is full of puzzles and traps to overcome

The Bad

  • Skill Tree might not go as in-depth as players would like

Written by: MrVibeAU


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