Shadow Warrior 3

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Shadow Warrior 3: Definitive Edition – Review

Shadow Warrior 3 recently had its own Definitive Edition, almost 12 months after the original release of the game. I originally reviewed the base game, which you can check out HERE.

The definitive edition has a bunch of new goodies for you to hack and slash through, including harder difficulties, a New Game+ mode, a survival arena, all new challenges, weapon skins, and the ability to replay any chapter through a chapter select.

It’s almost been a year since I last jumped in the shoes of Lo Wang, so I decided to revisit the game and go to specific points that I saw as a problem in the base version, and instantly noticed that some issues still need to be fully rectified.

Firstly, some arenas didn’t clear and I would be stuck in an infinite loop of base grunt clearing until I would have to restart from the last checkpoint. Secondly, the collision boxes still felt super iffy and janky and during parkour areas, precision was necessary.

The collision when doing these was a hell of a lot better than the initial release but still felt janky. Thirdly, I felt the cutscene transitions had improved tenfold. The main issue I had was that the New Game+ and endless arenas felt like they were implemented a little too late.

Honestly, they should have been released at launch, and reading through the patch notes and development updates, these modes were issued 5 months after release.

So what is actually new in the Definitive Edition? From the looks of it, it’s only 3 exclusive skins and survival mode, but in the broader spectrum, these extra modes and difficulty modifiers added a little more to the experience of the game. And of course, enhanced visuals and performance upgrades. You’re now able to play in full 4K, or hack your way through the game at 60fps in performance mode.

If you already owned Shadow Warrior 3 at launch, or you picked it up before the release of the Definitive Edition, worry not, as all this content will be available to you for free.

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The Good

  • Fun Gameplay
  • Extra modes
  • More customization skins

The Bad

  • Some collision issues still
  • Some bugs still apparent

Written by: Bigfoot


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