Penny’s Big Breakaway

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Penny’s Big Breakaway (Steam) – Preview

Have you ever wanted to use a Yo-Yo as a weapon or a swinging device? Wait, even ride it? When I see ‘Penny’s Big Breakaway’ developed by Evening Star, I see a resemblance of ‘Ratchet and Clank’ from my childhood; going on adventures fighting, running, finding collectibles and coins throughout each level with a bunch of platforming and cheeky ways of finding your path to get the best score.

Starting this game in the beautiful world of Macaroon, you are met with Penny, a street performer. She has the unfortunate job of entertaining the emperor using her Yo-Yo for her performance, but it goes from cheering from her audience to being seized for a mistake kicking off the whole game.

While on the run, you are pursued by penguins, also known as the Emperor’s Royal Guard, slowly navigating your way through levels that travel you across the world.

One thing I did find lacking was storytelling; I was basically dropped in on my ass with no training and expected to run.

Throughout the beginning, though, you are slowly taught the basics and combo moves for what obstacle you face, almost making the first level a tutorial.

The story was very basic, however, and didn’t really tell you anything about Penny or what she did. You only learn that she had a Yo-Yo, not the significance or any of her backstory. I feel a good introductory story can really make the user connect and create an experience that ticks all the right boxes.

Penny’s Big Breakaway does support a mouse and keyboard play style, but it does impact the game with limited motion. Still, the game also supports a Gamepad/Controller, which is a much more enjoyable experience, giving full motion with very responsive controls. Considering there is a requirement to use multiple buttons to use special moves, a controller is easier and feels more natural than on mouse and keyboard.

Sadly, when it comes to “voice acting”; there is none. There is a bunch of noises mashed together with a high pitch tone similar to what you would hear in ‘Animal Crossing’ or retro games like ‘Banjo- Kazooie’, but way more obnoxiously.

Hiring a voice actress is probably a hefty expense for an indie game, but it felt like little consideration was taken into character development. A sad payoff.

The music is as upbeat and whimsical as you would hear in any ‘Mario’ title. Graphics also resemble that of most retro 3D experiences but with smoother camera movements and great fluid gameplay, even with cheeky secrets to find.

Penny’s Big Breakaway is a great concept and fun to play. The story was where this game lacks, and I hope that is something they can adjust or alter moving forward as a good story can make a game memorable.

Penny’s Big Breakaway has yet to set a release date as of this preview, but I am excited to see where this game can go. I’m looking forward to full release!

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Written by: TypicalCambieAU


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