Payday 3

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Payday 3 : The Syntax Error DLC (Xbox Series S/X)

PayDay 3 has finally dropped their first DLC thanks to developers Starbreeze Studios, and Overkill Software, and publishers Deep Silver, and Plaion. The DLC has been named the “Syntax Error” DLC which comes packed with some goodies such as the Syntax Error Heist, Syntax Error Weapons Pack, and Syntax Error Tailors Pack. To read my original review of Payday 3, click here.

If you have ever wanted to break into a tech giant, and go down to their server room, steal their server boxes, and gain access to their files then the Syntax Error DLC has been designed for you. The crew needs to take on the tech giant Scry Digital who are based on the edge of Ryan Park in New York City. The job is to break into their server mainframe whilst dodging cameras, drones, and guards patrolling the area. You need to make sure you do this smartly, as there is no option of shooting your way out as everything gets locked down as soon as you have been spotted by someone.

You start up in their shop front where you need to find information to get downstairs, once you have done that heading downstairs is where the fun begins. You need to drop into the server rooms and steal the servers without being spotted by the drone flying around, the patrolling guards, and the surveillance cameras in the area.

Getting back out quickly and easily without being spotted gets you that awesome payday we all dream of.

The heist is not the only thing that has been added to the game, with the DLC there are also three brand new weapons you can equip into your arsenal to make you a force to be reckoned with. The three weapons that have been added are the “War-45” which is a submachine gun, the “FSA-12G” which is a shotgun, and the “FIK22 TLR” which is a marksman rifle, so they have covered all the bases.

There are also a couple of attachments added which are, a Light Holographic Sight, Minimized Hook Stock, Flat-Side Stab Grip, and the Whistleblower weapon charm, and if you love your stickers “BSOD” has been added.

If you are someone who loves some new clothing options to make yourself look smart or stupid for the occasion, you’ve not been forgotten about. There have been 4 masks added, 4 gloves added, and 4 outfits added.

The masks consist of an oversized smiley face, a glass mask that has LED built into it like something you would see from Watch Dogs 2, a Terminator-looking skull mask that has beautiful glowing red eyes, and finally, a robot mask that looks like an old PC with the bright green eyeballs.

Also added is casual-looking dress attire, which is a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, and a business shirt with rolled sleeves, one I’ve seen most commonly was the green tactical outfit which made you look like a marine, and last but not least a pretty basic green shirt for that more casual look.

The DLC was lots of fun and was something a little different to the normal heists that we are used to. I’m keen to see where the developers take the series as future DLC’s are rolled out.

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The Good

  • New heist
  • New weapons

The Bad

  • Only one new heist
  • Too few modifications for clothes and weapons

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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