Payday 3

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Payday 3: Boys In Blue DLC (Xbox Series X) – Review

Have you ever dreamt of infiltrating a Police Station in New York City with some of your best buddies to get gold from an evidence locker? Payday 3 has made that dream a reality with their latest DLC which has dropped called “Boys In Blue” which if you look at the game comes up as PAYDAY 3: Chapter 2 – Boys In Blue.

You can read a write-up on the full game (Here) or if you want to know a little more about the previous DLC before jumping into this one you can read it (Here).

I called SubZero2K and PauleQuan to help me infiltrate the Police Station in New York City and to my surprise, neither of them batted an eyelid and jumped in head first with me. The gang is coming back together to get some revenge on behalf of an old friend by the name of Vlad, you get to break into an NYPD facility and you need to find some information on the corrupt Police Captain and Murkywater EX-CEO John Concord, as you unravel more of the mystery behind the story.

If you don’t know much about the base story of the Payday series I would recommend looking into it as it’s all linked in all three titles. If you are chasing a run-and-gun setting then you have the option of doing this and getting out of the NYPD with bags of gold straight from the evidence locker.

You begin the heist out the front of the NYPD facility and there are a couple of different points of entrance depending on how you want to do it. This was one of the most difficult heists to do silently and we kept finding ourselves running and gunning which proved for some great fun. I’ll be surprised if anyone could run this silently the first time with the amount of different options for getting into the NYPD facility.

Those who are back to the series from the previous title will see a familiar face back. Rochelle Maloney better known as Clover is back, she is an Irish Burglar and was the first female playable heister in PAYDAY 2, she returns as the seventh playable heister in the new Boys In Blue DLC. Clover is not the only addition in the new DLC you also have the option of two new weapons which are Clover’s signature gun and a new LMG.

There are three new masks to make your heisters look like someone you have dreamed of. You have 12 new stickers and one new weapons charm so there is plenty of new content. The goodies don’t stop in the form of new heisters or guns there is a brand new game which is Solo Mode. This game mode allows you to skip the matchmaking side of things however you still need a solid internet connection to play solo mode which does not make much sense to me.

This would be a great game mode for someone who does not have the A-Team like I have, but it would still be lots of fun I’m hoping the AI do some more work than what they do at the moment if you don’t have a full squad.

The Boys In Blue DLC is lots of fun and one I’m keen to jump back into and see if we can do it other ways to get that nice silent finish and the maximum payout. Let us know how you go.

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The Good

  • Great storyline
  • Hard hiest
  • Clover is back

The Bad

  • Pulling the safe door is super slow
  • The ninja cops are annoying
  • Officers seem super alert the whole time

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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