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Maneater: Truth Quest DLC – Review

Maneater is an open-world action RPG (ShaRkPG) where YOU are the shark. Starting as a small bull shark pup, you are tasked with surviving the harsh world while eating your way up the ecosystem to become the ultimate apex predator. Eat. Explore. Evolve.

The newly added DLC, Truth Quest, adds a whole new element to your evolution, making you a more mysterious and menacing man-eating monster. Within the Truth Quest, you’ve been given the new “Atomic” power, with an illuminated green aura surrounding the mega, but you’re not just any mega. From the seemingly bland bull shark you start with, you get to acquire the look of a deadly hammerhead shark once you’ve fully upgraded the atomic power set.

Maybe this is a hint for future DLC that we will start seeing more species through upgraded powers. Truth Quest is more involved with the government and its role in the manipulation of apex predators. So much has been added to give you more, not just in the DLC, but also to make you go back to old areas, where I used to have 100% completion, to hunt down tin-foiled hat conspiracy nut cases!

Just when you thought you were at the pinnacle of the triangle for apex predators, they went ahead and added a new apex predator to put you to the test, and let me tell you now he does not fight fair! One thing I thoroughly enjoyed was to see that I was not the only mutated predator swimming around. It gave fighting a little bit more kick to sit and focus on in order to not get destroyed by their abilities.

Truth Quest sets you out in a completely new location and packs a punch with its fighting. This is a red hot area, and the moment any person spots you it is game on! From bullets flying at you, to missiles from submarines and helicopters, there is no easy way out.

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The Good

  • Added new hot points to old areas to give you a reason to go back and get it back to 100%
  • New Apex predator
  • New Skin and Ability
  • New area is more challenging

The Bad

  • No replay value
  • Mutated monsters not in old areas

Written by: Kyle Emblem


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