Kona II: Brume

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Kona II: Brume (Xbox Series X) – Review

On this Journey, I bring you Kona II: Brume, reviewed on the Xbox Series X, developed by Parabole and published by Ravenscourt Games, carrying investigation, exploration, and survival to the forefront and providing a picturesque atmosphere with danger and adventure.

You play Detective Carl Faubert, called in to investigate a mysterious mist that has engulfed a rural mining village and the surrounding region of Northern Canada. Still, as you progress, you slowly find yourself and your mind wandering through the white snow-filled region with no means of escape. You have a choice for in-game storytelling, which I immensely enjoyed. It gives you real insight while finding lore throughout the game, painting a horrific picture as you discover puzzles that set you on your way to finding the truth.

Kona II: Brume is a first-person investigation game with a survival twist, and the tutorial starts after a run-in with some locals who attacked you, leaving you injured and cold while holding onto dear life. You manage to find shelter to heal up and gather your strength while learning some of the game’s basics, like movement and tools, etc. Setting off once the short tutorial is complete, there is snow in every direction, making it essential to find shelter, be it campsites or indoor fire pits to warm up, as well as providing you with save points, all the while avoiding or taking on wild animals that are not afraid to attack you.

While it does feel a little like a survival game, there is no crafting in Kona II: Brume. Still, you will find items such as a revolver, a flashlight, and various other tools, including a journal to document your discoveries, as well as a camera used to capture photos. You also find items throughout the game, like ammo, spare parts, and batteries, all used for the other, more important items you collect.

As a first-person investigation game, the controls in Kona II: Brume are very ergonomic and straightforward, using a controller utilizing almost all of the buttons, making it a very smooth and enjoyable experience. It plays similarly to The Painscreek Killings with investigating and exploring, and the previously mentioned tutorial at the beginning does a great job of getting you on your way with essential controls, items, and inventory.

Visually, Kona II: Brume is remarkable, with snow that makes you feel the chill with its style of realism similar to the art style of the forest, almost like you are there, fully immersed and brought to life. Shading and graphical textures bring this game to life, making each detail more and more impressive, from stained rugs to partially collapsed buildings, giving a real feel for natural decay and a wow factor, providing an accurate, in-depth, immersive experience.

Sounds will keep you on edge at every turn, with a subtle yet graceful soundtrack that occasionally breaks up the constant howling wind you can hear whether you’re inside or out, giving that distinct feeling of a windy day. Your footsteps have a distinctive crunch when you’re walking in the snow, and the creaking of old floorboards gives that sense of realism. Trees creaking in the distance as they sway in the wind, or the crashing sounds of falling objects, give an excellent sense of fear and tension, keeping you on the edge of your seat at all times.

Gunshots are impressive, with each shot sending echoes through the hallways or out in the wilderness. The subtle voice acting in Kona II: Brume comes in the form of a narrator, and it’s like reading a bedtime story, so it fits in nicely, and sitting in front of a fire offers that blissful feeling, setting the mind at ease as you listen to the crackling sound of wood burning.

Overall, I am happy with the experience that Kona II: Brume provides. It goes from calm to downright horrifying, and it brings together every aspect of the game to life with sounds and gameplay that make you question if it is real or not, and in-depth lore and storytelling set everything in motion. It’s a game that I can see myself playing all the way through. I highly enjoyed my time with it, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys the investigative adventure genre.

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The Good

  • In-Depth Story
  • Realistic sound and gameplay

The Bad

  • Confusing layout, but the map helps
  • Confusing inventory system

Written by: TypicalCambieAU


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