Knockout Home Fitness

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Knockout Home Fitness – Review

Grab your Joy Cons and get ready for some fitness with ‘Knockout Home Fitness’, published by XSEED Games and developed by Marvelous INC. This is the newest workout game for the Nintendo Switch and is available now.

With four colourful personal trainers to unlock, you are taught the proper stances and form for Boxing, Muay Thai, Kung-fu, and Karate. Knockout Home Fitness has a daily workout mode which I have been doing, and it can take up to 15 minutes for the workout, which also includes warm-up stretches.

You will be graded on the actions that you hit or miss and will give you a breakdown of what you burnt off during the exercise program. Be sure to input the correct weight and height of yourself, or as close to it as you can, as that will reflect on the tasks that will be given during the daily training.

If you feel the personal trainer mode is not enough, you can do an intense 3-minute workout to help with being active, as well as learning more stances and actions in a shorter space of time. No matter what mode you select, progress and activities will still be recorded and you are able to check past progress in the “My Report” option, so you can track how you’re doing and see the results for each day, hopefully seeing improvements to your daily score.

The personal trainer will be displayed on screen showing you how you should be standing for the stances, like southpaw for boxing and the squat stance for the Karate punching all the while with the joys cons in hand. While it is a hell of a workout, swinging your fists in a giant windmill like Lisa Simpson won’t earn you too many points.

The sessions are also accompanied by a workout playlist of 25 songs ranging from EDM to hip hop. Your workout will also sync and adapt to the music chosen so you can box to the beat to keep a good rhythm of strikes, with a small gap to take a breath and get back into form.

So this is the final day of my long time with Knockout Home Fitness and as expected the workouts have been easier to do overtime even with the new actions throw in as you progress. You will begin to master the basic forms at the start and then take a step up toward more advanced moves giving you a full blown work out. It is done with such great personal trainers in the game that are so simple to follow along too.

I am now doing two sets of the 3-minute intense workouts after I have done my daily with the personal trainer, so the motivation is still there to get this old gamer off his butt. A great game for people that want to work out but are not wanting to join a gym or perfect to get the blood flowing if you have lockdown blues.

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The Good

  • Great Personal trainer options
  • Very helpful guides and tips
  • Great soundtrack to help you stay active
  • Being able to see records and grades on past workouts
  • Easy to use with joy cons
  • Great way to keep active during lockdowns
  • You can go at your own pace

Written by: Shane Walsh


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