House Flipper 2

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House Flipper 2 (Xbox Series X) – Review

Do you think you have what it takes to be a professional House Flipper? Empyrean and Frozen District have made that dream a reality with House Flipper 2. It’s the sequel to the smash hit “House Flipper” which took the gaming world by storm.

The main task is to flip houses, make money, and repeat. MKAU Gaming was lucky enough to review this title back when it was released on Steam which you can read “Here” but if you are here to read about how the title runs on the Xbox Series X then you are in the correct place. 

I was not too concerned about how this game was going to play on the Xbox Series X, the console is more than capable of running a game like this and it’s one of those games where you just start playing and look up at the clock and notice it’s been six hours. Even when you’re in crippling debt and you feel like you’ve achieved nothing, you will still be satisfied with what you have achieved.

House Flipper 2 is the kind of game where if you want to bust some walls open you are more than capable of doing this. If you wanna throw some paint down, you can do this. Games like this are so great the fact you can slow right down, relax, and play without needing to worry about some person dropping you on CoD. 

I was jumping into this title head first as I played the first title on the PC with mouse and keyboard, and after spending a few hours playing this on the Xbox Series X I was not drawn in much by the controls. General movement was much nicer not needing to press a couple of keys on the keyboard, but that was about the extent of it.

Placing things down didn’t feel great and I found myself getting frustrated as it would slide past where I wanted it, and if you put it back onto the snap feature it never went where you wanted it so half the battle was needing to spend more time than needed putting items down or painting walls. 

I would have loved to see some more time put into the controls for console players so it was not so frustrating for the player and a little bit more simplistic to do things. The controls themselves were simplistic and easy to learn and if you wanted to change them you could, but like I mentioned before the placement factor and things like cleaning windows were frustrating and pulled away from the calmness this game bestows. 

I love the graphics in the first title and loved them even more in House Flipper 2 with the cartoon-like with a hint of realism. It looked fantastic on the Xbox Series X as walking into an absolute dump of a house doing what you need to do and then walking out and the house looking stunning. I loved the shading, which I do not believe was in the last title. 

There was not too much going on with the audio which I’m not against. I put on Spotify and listened to the MKAU Podcast “Job Security” and did what I needed to do, but I got the occasional phone call from the business partner who would disturb me listening to the Podcast. 

This is the first title that has relaxed me and frustrated me at the same time. I loved the first title and also love this one and will spend more time on the title because even when you are frustrated you can throw a sledgehammer through a wall and let off some steam. If you need some renovations done send me an email. We will make something happen. 

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The Good

  • Runs smoothly
  • Fun gameplay
  • Relaxing

The Bad

  • Frustrating movement
  • Repetitive gameplay
  • No multiplayer

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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