GUNPIG: Firepower For Hire

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GUNPIG: Firepower For Hire – Review

Published and developed by LaPointe Joints, ‘GUNPIG: Firepower For Hire’ is a Sci-Fi, top-down, twin-stick, arcade-style shooter now available on Nintendo Switch. Players will take control of Bax, an alien pest control specialist and possibly the shortest mercenary in the galaxy, as they blast their way to clear out Stalwart Academy, a school space station from an incoming threat of robot space monsters.

The gameplay utilises the twin-stick, shooter control scheme with a top-down view. The controls are very simple and easy to pick up and play for some quick and chaotic fun. Manoeuvring Bax and his vehicle around feels smooth and moves at a decent speed. In each stage, there are 9 different weapons to pick up and use from special dispensers, and are all food-themed. Each one also has an alternate firing mode, ranging from spreads to mines. The various weapon types give players several options and you can pick what they feel best suits them. Various collectibles can also be found throughout the game.

The levels become progressively more and more challenging, the further the player gets. There is no way to save the progress of the game, but that’s what makes this feel like a classic style arcade game, as it’s more about achieving high scores and players will have to keep on their toes to reach those high numbers. A game like this might feel repetitive to some players, but the same can be said about classic arcade games like ‘Pac-Man’ and ‘Space Invaders’.

Gunpig can be an addictive game with players constantly attempting to beat their records with each playthrough. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t seem to have any online features, meaning there’s also no online leaderboard to compare scores with players from around the world.

The game’s graphics have a cartoony look and fits the theme perfectly. There is an issue with the fixed camera angle with some of the level designs, as some walls can get in the way of the action and don’t become transparent to allow players to see what’s happening. However, this isn’t too much of an issue as players will be constantly on the move to achieve their objectives.

The music has a Sci-Fi rock feel to it and really compliments the mayhem on screen. The full soundtrack was composed by Mike Mirabello, who’s known for his work on games such as ‘Tower of Guns’ and ‘Mothergunship’, as well as a bonus track by Breakmaster Cylinder.

Even with its downsides, GUNPIG: Firepower For Hire is still a fun, simple, and addictive arcade-style game for players to constantly reaching for those high scores.

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The Good

  • Fun and simple arcade style game
  • Easy to use twin stick shooter controls
  • Can be addictive to beat the high score

The Bad

  • Some walls can obstruct the player’s view with the fixed camera angle
  • No online leaderboard

Written by: Sammy Hanson


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