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GTFO – Review

The definition of GTFO perfectly sums up the atmosphere, intensity, and general gameplay that is the GTFO the game. There is even an encouraging little disclaimer on the Steam page that states “Very Challenging experience, probably too hard for most players”. GTFO is not for the faint-hearted, but for fans of first-person shooter Survival Horror cooperative games, prepare to jump right into this review.

GTFO is developed by 10 Chambers, a devoted and talented group of industry veterans from Sweden, most well known for Payday and Payday 2. Fans of the Payday franchise may see aspects of gameplay of GTFO, such as the use of stealth elements that can dramatically change in an instant to all-out FPS gunplay, but that is where the similarities stop.

First off, GTFO can be played solo, particularly if you have a death wish and balls of steel, but the game is best experienced with a full team of up to four players, and while matchmaking is possible, playing with friends leads to better communication and longevity during any mission. You and three other prisoners are forced to extract valuable artifacts from a huge underground facility. A labyrinth of underground areas that have been overrun with a variety of terrifying creatures will have you scavenging ammo for weapons and gear to increase your chance of survival. Every little bit helps in getting out alive.

Focusing on the game’s appearance and gameplay, the game at first is presented to you in an expedition menu called The Rundown, which shows you the extent of the underground complex that can be unlocked after completing previous areas. The basic controls are very familiar to those who are regular players of FPS, such as melee weapons and basic point and shoot mechanics, but the game does recommend stealth to prolong your survival, as running and gunning will surely lead to a quick death, especially with limited ammo and equipment.

A huge element to the gameplay is the level design, lighting, environment, and sound, as enemies may be around any corner. Walking into a dark room or a lightly fogged area increases the game’s atmosphere and difficulty, but just hearing the screams of these vile creatures as they agro and start alerting others is a frightening experience. The latest patch included in the new Rundown-Rebirth update brings more layers to the game rather than just the usual dark and cold surroundings and adds a new environment called the Floodways. It also gives you some new weapons and introduces the new boosters, giving players an edge during gameplay and giving even more replayability.

In conclusion, GTFO is a unique experience that is a part of the Hardcore FPS rise that has been noticed in the last year or so, with gamers looking for more games to not just enjoy with friends, but also to challenge them. Having something that stands out from regular run and gun shooters creates not just an incredibly testing game, but an atmosphere that truly stands by the name of the game. GTFO is currently in Early Access on Steam, and with what 10 Chambers has achieved so far with the game, I can only wait in excitement on how the game will evolve.

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The Good

  • Visually fantastic
  • Hardcore gameplay
  • Great Co-op experience

The Bad

  • Can be played solo, better with friends
  • Early Access

Written by: Simon Hayward


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