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GORD (Xbox Series X) – Review

‘GORD’, developed by Covenant. Dev and published by Team17, inspired by Slavic lore is a top-down, strategy game that really kicks you in the guts as you lead a village of people to success or their impending death.

As you reign over Lysatian in the ‘Tribe of the Dawn’ you must direct your armies against the southern and north resistances all the while fighting against the monsters that reside in the surrounding dark forests. Starting a new settlement known as a ‘Gord’, you must build up a stronghold while fighting back attacks by the wild folk and creatures of darkness and ill intent. The characters are really integrated well into the story with the likes of Boghan and Lynx being such standouts. It actually has quite an in-depth and interesting narrative that I couldn’t wait to see what happens next from chapter to chapter.

Your main objective is to gather resources such as stone, clay, and wood, forage for food, and raise an army barracks to take on whatever lay in wait outside your palisades. Split up into a Campaign and Custom Scenario, you can follow a set path or challenge yourself with scenarios laid out to put you on your toes.

You will need to manage your town folks’ hunger, health, and sanity even, with the darkness of the woods hiding many creatures that will twist the minds of the weak and make them flee your safety. Even on easy the game is very challenging, frustratingly, especially when resource depletion, seasons of desperate times, and boss enemies lurking in the surrounding woods are also thrown into the mix.

Attracting a witch to your encampment as a survivor will also unlock a vast array of game-changing abilities too. Please the gods and you will be granted the game mechanics of magic and enchantments. These can be used as a defence or offence and really assist when being raided suddenly. The initial ability of breaking the bones of foes will always be a memorable favourite.

The controls on a controller can be a bit frustrating with the camera at the beginning but once you get used to them actually flow nicely with the other inputs. You can use A to direct folk but also holding it will grab any mob in a radius; a very handy application. The bumper will open a wheel to build different structures that will support and aid the development of your garrison. Once built, here you can send minions out to collect resources, heal or train up for a fight.

The cinematic cutscenes are gorgeous. Rendered with such detail each scene is dripping with detail and atmosphere. It was really some top-tier cinematics and they had me captivated with where the narrative was going. The in-game visuals are also quite intricate and detailed in dark muddy hues that really paint a picture of a dire and harsh environment but in such a gorgeously beautiful way. The game is just horrifyingly pretty and bleak.

The dialogue and voice acting are superb with subtitles for you to skim through if you miss anything. The lines are full of expression and charm making multiple characters so likable. The environments drip with atmospheric sounds from flourishing storms, twisting winds, and rustling of the unknown in bushes, which really make venturing outside the safety of the gates a harder experience.

Overall, GORD was a surprisingly addictive title. A base-building, resource-managing gem with so much great storytelling you will want to push on even after failing miserably (oh, and you will many times). GORD is a must-play for anyone that wants a top-down adventure dripping with charm and character.

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The Good

  • Intriguing story
  • Interesting characters
  • Custom Scenarios
  • Challenging
  • Great gameplay
  • Easy to master controls
  • Gorgeous cut scenes
  • Intricate in game graphics
  • Atmospheric audio
  • Superb voice acting

The Bad

  • Camera can be a bit of a push pull in the beginning
  • Challenging even on easy

Written by: Stacey


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