Ghostrunner 2

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Ghostrunner 2 (Xbox Series X) – Review

One More Level, the developers behind the hit game Ghostrunner, are back with Ghostrunner 2, jumping back into the lightning-fast slasher set in a stunning post-apocalyptic cyberpunk world, but just remember, one wrong move, and it could be your last.

A year after the events of the first game, the people of Dharma Tower are rebuilding their lives and there is finally some hope for the future, however, this is not the case, Deadlier enemies looking to take over, bringing you back to the action-packed adventure to ensure this doesn’t happen, maintaining the desperately needed peace. If you are like me and your mind is constantly racing, Ghostrunner 2 is a perfect title for you. The action is constant and fast-paced, so you don’t have time to stop and think. It will have you leaping from high walls and sliding along the ground as you fight off groups of enemies, but you’ll still need to pay attention because it’s a long drop if you fall.

I loved the audio in the first game, and Ghostrunner 2 is no exception. Everything from the characters moving down the high-tempo electro-dance music to the general ambience in the background, or to the sound it makes when you take someone’s head off keeps you excited for more. The echoing of your footsteps as you run down a corridor, or the slight grunt as you land from height are just some of the effects that made it sound so real, and one of my favourite parts of story-driven games is the voice acting. Ghostrunner 2 doesn’t disappoint, with emotion-packed dialogue delivered during both gameplay and cutscenes.

The controls won’t come as much of a shock to you if you’ve played the first one, but even for newcomers to the series, it doesn’t take long to get used to them. There is a little section at the start that walks you through all the basic controls, and if needed, you will also be prompted while playing, such as when you need to block, attack, or throw your shuriken. This is one of those games where you really need to focus on what you are doing control-wise, or you will end up falling to your death. The parkour aspect of the title mashed into the combat keeps you on your toes, and the controls can feel somewhat complex because you sometimes need to really stretch the old fingers over the controller.

There has been a cool addition to this year’s title with a cyberpunk-themed motorcycle added, which sounded more electric than anything, and given I love the sounds of motorbikes, that was a little downer for me, but nevertheless, it was fun to ride them, and I managed to crash more than I stayed on, cruising anywhere between 250KM/H and 300KM/H kept me on my toes. There are hitboxes on walls that you’ll need to hit in order to open gates, but you’ll also avoid things in the middle of the road. There was a bit going and it all happened so quickly. If the motorbike gameplay slowed down a little, it might have been more enjoyable.

You can upgrade chips in Ghostrunner which are supposed to increase the speed of the game and things like combat, and it’s currently broken down into four different categories; Sword, System, Traversal, and Flow. I upgraded Sword and Traversal but didn’t seem to feel much of a difference in the game. This was a little disappointing as you need to buy the chips, and then remember to apply them, or you definitely won’t see any changes.

It might come a little later with more updates, but it felt like I was wasting my time even looking into the system. Leaderboards have been updated now and you can see not only your friends but everyone on the same platform, and this would bring out the competitive side in anyone. Given we had early access, there wasn’t anything posted here yet, but I expect to see some crazy numbers when people can finally jump in.

There is something about the cyberpunk grunge theme that draws me into these types of games, or maybe it’s the fact you get a slow-motion blood spray when cutting off an enemy’s arm. Regardless, this game is so visually stunning that it was hard to put down. The developers did an amazing job of designing the world, be it the bright neon lights or the dark depths of a sewer, everything has been so well crafted that I was in a constant state of awe. The character’s movements were absolutely amazing, responding as quickly as I could change direction or press a button, and it made for some incredible gameplay

If you’ve played the first game, or even if you’re a newcomer who loves a fast-paced action-packed slasher game, then Ghostrunner 2 is a beautifully crafted cyberpunk dream backed by some incredible music and sounds that will keep you on your toes for hours. Just make sure to keep an eye on the minimap. Not only could it prevent unnecessary deaths, but you might find some cool collectables around the place.

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The Good

  • Beautifully stunning world
  • Great background music and visceral sound effects
  • Awesome storyline

The Bad

  • Controls require flexibility

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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