Following the release of Fate/Samurai Remnant, which was created by Omega Force and published by Toei Tecmo, the DLC Vol.1 “Record’s Fragment: Keian Command Championship” adds all-new story elements and controllable characters to the mix. Masters and Servants compete in the ultimate tournament against some of the greatest fighters. The DLC is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5, and PC.
In this new DLC, players are summoned to a mysterious arena by the character Boss, where he suddenly announces the commencement of the Keian Command Championship. Along with the main characters, Iori and Saber, you can play as other teams such as Musashi and Samson – team Berseker. You can unlock other teams by achieving specific goals, such as clearing the Championship with both teams, and as it takes place during the main story, Iori and Saber will enter the tournament at whatever level you have them, and it will display a warning if you are under the suggested level. Either way, you’ll find it challenging – the fights ahead are very intense.
Players will also be able to play as a new playable character, Ibuki-Douji. Using Ibuki-Douji offers some extra cutscenes and storylines about the characters who were not included in the full release, enabling everyone to experience the tournament from different perspectives.
As you progress through the tournament, you’ll discover new cutscenes and learn more about the characters between matches, and if you win, you’ll unlock an ending sequence unique to each team.
You can jump into the DLC as soon as you start Chapter 1, but Iori and Saber will be under-levelled, so I suggest waiting before entering the fight. In between fights, players can buy items such as rice balls for health bonuses during the next fight, as well as higher-priced items that will carry over, such as new combo attacks for Iori and Saber. The downside is that the arena fights are a little short, and while they do offer some extra characters and story content, I wish there were more fights to partake in.
Fate/Samurai Remnant: The Keian Command Championship DLC offers great fights between other characters in the story, letting you play as you want, and I enjoyed it. For new players entering the game, I’d suggest holding off and waiting to partake in this content, partially due to your level, but also so you can do it all at once, otherwise you’ll be locked behind chapter-unlock stages. If you want to know more about the game’s plot, please refer to the base game review.
The Good
- New story segments
- New playable characters
- Separate from the main story with unlocks
- Fun game mode
The Bad
- Overall felt short