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Exorcizamuste (Steam) – Preview

Let’s dive into the supernatural terror that awaits us in Exorcizamuste, developed, and soon to be published by Conservation&Ruin. MKAU Gaming was invited to try out the demo, giving us a chance to step into the world of ghosts and unidentified beings in a game that brings new features to the ghost-hunting world that none have shown before, taking the fight to a diverse range of supernatural beings that each have their own strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat.

You have the choice to go in alone or squad up in co-op with 3 other ghost hunters to work as a team. When you start, you are provided with a primary and a secondary weapon, with the primary being a shotgun, and the secondary being a pistol. Both have a choice of ammunition and whatever you have in the chamber will have either a positive or negative effect in combating the ghost at hand.

There is also equipment that will give you the upper hand, whether it be a tablet that provides all the information you need on what to expect from the ghost, or equipment that you can buy at the start to help you identify them, such as a camera to catch footage from a safe distance, or a black light to see hand prints. These, and many other items, will help you in the fight.

This demo is full of puzzles that can unlock new areas, as well as some that will help you find new materials to help identify what supernatural being you are up against. You will be able to encounter over 100 different paranormal entities, each with distinct personalities and behaviors, giving you that truly deep, immersive, and thrilling experience.

Being able to survive in Exorcizamuste comes at a price. Bullets and medicines are hard to come by, and you will have to manage your resources wisely. You’ll need every advantage to overcome the relentless horrors that await, so luckily, there is an in-depth tutorial to give every player the best chance of survival.

Exorcizamuste’s immersive sound designs bring everything from eerie and bone-chilling whispers to the creaking floorboards, sending shivers down the spine of even the most veteran of horror genre gamers. Likewise, realistic graphics and attention to detail create scenes that add to the horrifying environment, sending tension levels soaring as you hunt the supernatural.

As of now, the release date has yet to be announced, but I can not wait to see what they bring to the table! If this demo was anything to go by, we’re in for one of the most realistic and horrifying experiences ever.

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Written by: TypicalCambieAU


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