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Exoprimal – Preview

It’s time to take on the zomb… wait, no, a dino outbreak? That‘s a nice change of pace and an exciting one too! Tag along as we take a look at the preview for ‘Exoprimal’.

Developed by Capcom, Exoprimal is an online, team-based action game that will challenge you in new ways. Pitted against waves of fearsome dinosaurs, it’s all up to you and your brave teammates to fend off this outbreak and fight for victory.

The year is 2040, and a new crisis that engulfs the globe that is threatening humanity; dinosaur outbreaks occurring everywhere. All hope is not lost, thanks to Leviathan, a hyper-advanced A.I. that can predict the location of these outbreaks. Use this technology along with revolutionary powered exosuits, and take your stand as humanity depends on it.

With the power of your exosuits nothing can stand in your way, and there’s an option to suit everyone’s play style. Ranging from your standard assault, which is what I spent most of my time playing, all the way to your more team-oriented roles like ‘Tank’ and ‘Support’. Each comes with its own unique abilities and upgrades. For example, ‘Assault’ is equipped with an assault rifle and a pretty cool ultimate defence that shoots at a barrage of bullets dealing massive damage.

If you’re more of a support player there are some roles for you too. The Tank comes with a massive shield that when deployed can still freely move around. While it blocks damage from one side, teammates can still shoot through to deal damage, and when you’re ready, unleash a shield bash to deal some damage and knock foes back.

If you want to heal your team you can play Support which comes with a few heal options. A direct heal for a quick fix, or an area of effect that will heal over time to anyone who stands inside the circle is available. These are only a few roles available but there are many more and they all work great.

‘Dino Survival’ is the main game mode you’ll play, with two squads of five pitted against each other in a race to complete objectives the fastest. For the most part, it will be just you versus the dinos, however, in some situations, you’ll have to fight off the other players as well. I found it to be a good balance and an enjoyable experience.

One of my favourite encounters with the other team is when both teams have to escort a payload, you won’t initially be fighting each other until right at the end when you cross paths. This leads to an epic last-minute fight for victory but be careful though, get too distracted by the other players, and the dinos might get the jump on you.

Guns and melee aren’t the only way to get your hands dirty, how about we get some claws dirty too? Usually when your team starts to fall behind you might be awarded a dominator for the chance to catch up. A dominator allows you to take control of a large dinosaur and invade the other players’ field, which might I add, is a load of fun. As mentioned, just before it’s still got a good balance to it, if a team focuses attention on your dino it can get taken out quite quickly, so make sure to eat them first.

When it came to matchmaking for other players, I, unfortunately, didn’t get the chance to play with anyone. But that’s not a worry, after about a minute of searching it will fill the remaining spots with bots allowing you to enjoy the full dino outbreak experience. Also, don’t underestimate the bots, they can get pretty aggressive and take you out if you aren’t being fully attentive.

Exoprimal has a very Capcom feel to it. They haven’t gone for an over-the-top amazing graphical approach, but that’s not to say it doesn’t look and play well, because it definitely does. With all those dinos running around, being too demanding would definitely hinder performance and ruin the experience. Now speaking of dinos, there’s a good variety of great-looking dinos ranging from small fries like Raptors, Sinornithosaurus, and Pteranodons all the way up to your big ones like Triceratops, Carnotaurus, and of course the T-Rex, plus so much more for all those dino enthusiasts.

A lot going on all out at once, then you add in the combat. Gunfire, dinosaurs stomping, and the A.I. letting you know what’s coming next all works in unison quite well. However a few more roars from the larger dinos would be nice for the atmosphere, I would like to hear a T-Rex beckon me with its horrifying roar just before it tries to eat me.

Exoprimal, so far, is a great PvEvP experience with so much to offer, from story to straight-up slaying dinos with your friends, or solo queuing with randoms. I can’t wait to see what improvements they come up with before launch, although it already seems pretty polished in my opinion.

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Written by: MrVibeAU


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