Dragon Saddle Melee

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Dragon Saddle Melee – Review

Dragon Saddle Melee is a chaotic multiplayer game that pits players against players and computer-controlled dragons to try and earn the highest score possible. Made by Main Tank Software, it is available now on Steam.

Dragon Saddle Melee offers players a retro 80’s-style game of multiplayer joust and a very easy-to-learn control layout for both keyboard and controller users. The game itself is very small to download, with only one map to fly around and land on platforms, while trying to hit the other dragons from the top to destroy them, or using power pickups that will randomly spawn after the first wave. You can get pickups like a bow and arrows, shotguns, a protective shield, and a boost that will send the player skywards.

As you flap around the level you will have to overcome the gravity movements of the dragon and the bouncing when you hit an object or another dragon head-on, which will not result in a kill. The AI for the game in the later waves will be your main focus, earning you the most points.

The players are given 5 lives, and when they are out, they will spectate until all players are defeated, potentially leading to some very uncompetitive gameplay as one player can rack up a whole lot of points while the others sit idly by and wait for the next game. Some AI will put up a good fight, but the majority will be stuck in a loop or constantly flying upwards into a platform, making it all but impossible to defeat them.

Each wave is a game mode, so Wave 1 will always just be defeating “X” number of enemies, and this counts either player or AI kills. As the waves progress, the objective changes to closing portals, avoiding electric walls that will move from different directions across the playing field, and platform capturing to earn extra lives.

Dragon Saddle Melee went heavy with the 80’s vibe as neon lighting was used for everything, so at times, keeping track of where you are can be a slight issue. The background lighting pattern can change, though thankfully it’s not flashing or fast-changing, but as a blanket statement: Seizure warning. Especially if the lighting is your trigger. Dragon Saddle Melee does have a good soundtrack that fits in great with the whole 80’s neon vibe as it uses a Synthwave-style of music.

In concussion, I would say Dragon Saddle Melee is an ideal game for retro lovers, but also for younger players as it is easy to pick up and play. It’s also great as a party game with friends or a simple arcade multiplayer. Main Tank Software did a good job, but sadly, it could also be quickly forgotten, especially if you are not constantly playing with friends. With a few extra levels or a couple more game modes, like dragon soccer or something, it’d be a little less forgettable.

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The Good

  • Easy to play
  • Good soundtrack
  • Multiplayer fun
  • Nice 80’s vibe

The Bad

  • Overuse of neon lighting makes it hard to focus
  • AI could use a bit of improvement
  • The game is quick to get repetitive and needs more game modes6

Written by: Shane Walsh


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