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Divination (Xbox Series X) – Review

Divination – Developed by Mojiken is a very short visual novel where you play as the Diviner, and tell people their future using ancient runes, you might say the future is in your hands.

Trapped inside a room full of screens is a pair of hands that can predict the future. Hear the stories of your clients, let them ask a question about their future, and use these ancient runes to decide and unveil their forthcoming. All set in a futuristic, cyberpunk, and unfortunately dying world, full of doubt and uncertainty.

The gameplay is pretty simple and straightforward, as it’s a visual novel you spend most of your time reading. Once you are given the opportunity you then place these ancient runes in an order of your choosing to determine the future leading to a limited number of outcomes for different endings.

A repetitive music track throughout as you play along, and a few other sounds like gunshots, and common city sounds to set the scene and mood. Not a whole lot going on most of the time but I guess this helps bring it together just that little bit.

Visually, this game doesn’t have a whole lot going on, as it is a visual novel mostly based on its story being told. With its limited colour palette, it really sets the mood for the dark dystopian they live in. A few animations would have been nice as it is a very short game and would have made that a little bit more entertaining.

All in all, an interesting story, but unfortunately was very short, only taking me around 1 hour to complete it, get the multiple endings, and all the achievements. For a game on the cheaper end, it certainly wasn’t too bad though.

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The Good

  • Simple
  • Interesting Story
  • Multiple outcomes

The Bad

  • Short
  • Needs more animation
  • Repetitive Music

Written by: MrVibeAU


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