Destiny 2

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Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Review

Shadowkeep, Destiny 2’s first expansion puts players up against The Nightmares. The Nightmares are essentially the ghosts of some of your favorite enemies from the past 5 years of the Destiny universe.

The Nightmares are pretty much the same enemies we’ve all seen before since the series started with one major difference, much bigger health bars, making them tougher to take down. So where does this all take place? Players return to “The Moon” from the first Destiny game where you’re in search of series regular Eris Morn. The story kicks off with Eris warning us about an incoming Hive Invasion.

Once you’re done with the story, Shadowkeep will keep you busy with its newest Raid, the Garden of Salvation. This Raid is predominantly based on the Vex and their Black Garden, and it’s a tough one with only the most hardcore of players being able to complete it. Don’t let that scare you off though, even I find these Raids tough, but it’s something everyone should at least try.

Also new is how Armour and mods etc now work. Previously, in Destiny 2 you were required to find different pieces of Armour and build them up with single use mods. With Shadowkeep, Bungie has introduced Armour 2.0. Here you are required to dedicate yourself to individual pieces of Armour, making mods a one-off discovery which can then be placed in various slots.

The new Armor 2.0 system also reintroduces the Discipline, Intellect, and Strength stats from the first Destiny game. And Armour 2.0 isn’t the only newest feature to the game, Shadowkeep also comes with a Season Pass. The Season pass has two tracks, one is free and the other is a premium track.

While Shadowkeep cames with the “Season of the Undying” premium pass this time around, in the future players will need to purchase season passes individually to be able to access new activities and the premium track to earn additional items.

Another addition Bungie have added with Shadowkeep is the Nightmare Hunt activities. Here your tasked with replaying even harder versions of the story missions for even high-level gear. As for Multiplayer, it’s got a trio of new maps, though two of those are from the original game.

So is Shadowkeep worth picking up? I think so. I feel Bungie is making all the right choices and in turn making Destiny 2 into a deeper and more satisfying game. I’m looking forward to what comes next.

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The Good

  • New amour system
  • Return of much loved locations
  • The addition of Nightmare Hunts

The Bad

  • Story is a little short

Written by: MKAU Gaming

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