Demolish & Build Classic

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Demolish & Build Classic (Nintendo Switch) – Review

Created and published by Ultimate Games, Demolish & Build Company is a working simulator where you will take on contracts to destroy structures to earn a bankroll, and this will then allow you to find contracts to build structures and reap the reward of renting them out.

Demolish & Build Company will have players running their own construction company, starting off with a sledgehammer and a pickup truck for the first few minor jobs knocking down walls or throwing items into a skip bin. As you keep accepting contracts you will earn more money and gain the ability to buy more advanced equipment to help get the job done faster, and eventually, you can even take on some hired help via the experience system, and each level will unlock new tools and vehicles to buy.

The early stages of the game are all about getting as much money as possible, and finding and accepting as many jobs as you can is the best way to do this. I would advise not driving around the open world looking for them as the truck uses fuel and that burns through money, so use the map and pick the closest job each time. Once you have earned a bankroll, you can start construction jobs, like trailer parks, and then you can rent the lot out, which is an easy source of income that helps keep you afloat while still doing contracted work.

When you think of demolition, you would imagine just bulldozing the joint and calling it a day, but there are always mini requirements that need to be completed. Instead of just running it over, you may find you have to remove contents from the location or avoid items that are marked red, and not doing so will result in a loss of money.

The controls can be a bit daunting at first as the triggers are used to swap tools, and sadly, there is no crouching feature, so when sledgehammering walls you will need to aim downward for the lower portions. The hitbox can be a bit off, and on occasion, even if it looks like you have made contact, it will not actually hit. The driving controls do change depending on what you are driving, for example, the front loader and bulldozer have a full-axis turning circle so turning while not in motion is ideal for keeping it under control.

When it comes to music there isn’t a lot to write home about. You can listen to the radio in vehicles, and these offer four stations with different styles of music to have blasting while working. Comparatively, the sounds of power tools and the rumbles of vehicle engines are done really well, and as we all know, construction work is never a quiet process, and as a result, there isn’t any voice acting, it’s all text-based.

The graphics for the Switch version do come with some under-textured environments which are very noticeable, especially while driving along the road. Your immediate surroundings, while still feeling like Wolfenstein on old DOS computer systems, had a little more detail and texture than the rest of the map. It can also be quite jarring when objects in the near-distance suddenly pop into existence.

Demolish & Construction Company is a game that starts with a slow grind for cash but offers a fun experience and vast tools and resources for getting the jobs done. It’s an easy game to play and just zone out with as there are no time penalties for the jobs.

The open world, sadly, is quite empty, as the area you play in is quite barren in terms of buildings or landmarks, and unfortunately, it is only single-player. It would be fun to have a friend knocking out some of the bigger jobs and splitting the reward of a job well done, or at least have a bulldozer race down the street for some silly fun.

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The Good

  • A wide range of tools and equipment to use
  • Great experience system to unlock further use of items
  • Relaxing game to demolish locations
  • No timer for contracts

The Bad

  • Empty open world
  • The graphics are not overly impressive
  • A slow grind at the start of the game
  • Hitbox detection is a very small window

Written by: Shane Walsh


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