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Somewhat surprisingly, I’m actually starting to enjoy some of the more arcade style games we’ve been getting recently. It’s been a very nice change of pace and we can generally get a pretty good idea of the game in a relatively short period of time. Plus, when you live in Australia, it’s not very often you’re given the opportunity to play a game developed and produced in Australia, let alone one that was created just up the road from our office. Needless to say, it was a massive honor to be given an Xbox copy of Damsel by Screwtape Studios to muck around with.

In this review, I’ll be covering my thoughts and opinions purely on the Xbox version of this game, but make sure you check out the full review written by our very own Simon. There you will find a much more detailed overview.

The first thing that caught my eye with Damsel, was the art style. Its story-line is broken down into comic-like panels that help to explain what is going on. Unlike many other games of this nature, which go into a huge amount of detail with cut scenes, the exact same art style is carried into game play… thus allowing you to feel as though you are playing out a comic. The simple but beautifully created characters all have their own unique style while the neon worlds still have a sinister feel to them.

Boasting the same three game modes as on PC, players will have the choice of playing the campaign, or delving right into a more arcade style of play where your scores posted for all to see. The only frustration I found here was that the objectives in Arcade mode were to gather skulls.

The levels were the same as those in Campaign mode but without the various objectives on offer. As Simon explains, it is very much a game of “Pick your battles” when playing in arcade mode, as you have just as much right to brag if you manage a speed run of the mission as you would if you were racking up the points. Controls once again are very simple with players really needing the use of only using a thumb stick and 3 buttons.

Simple controls lead to the ability to very quickly and easily master the art of wall climbing or shooting multiple enemies as I leapt over them. I surprised myself with my ability to pull off quite a few impressive combos that I thought would take months to come to grips with. Damsel is certainly a game aimed to get everyone involved.

Sure, as Simon mentions, the music in the game gives the impression of being the ultimate vampire busting bad ass, coupled with the bass heavy blast of a shot gun or the sinister hiss of a vampire as they close in on you, Damsel is packed full of excitement. But there is one thing I feel the game is missing; a voice of some description for the main character. You’ve got the meaty thwack as she is hit by an enemy, a hefty thud as she comes into contact with laser beams or arcs of electricity, but it’d be nice to hear a bit of a grunt or groan as she gets knocked around. While Damsel looks like an absolute bad ass and throws her weight around like no one’s business, I feel that adding a little bit of vocalization will give a slightly more personal feel, allowing players to connect with her more.

Overall, Damsel is as fast paced and exciting as any player could hope for. It is a near perfect port from PC to Xbox and one I thoroughly enjoyed playing. Just like Simon, I found myself wanting to play more and more to see if I could beat my personal best, or reduce the amount of time it took me to complete a level. I am certainly looking forward to more games from Screwtape Studios, as this was a near perfect execution. Just please, add some extra sound effects!

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The Good

  • Easy, exciting game play
  • Plenty of replay value
  • Great Art style

The Bad

  • Feels like it is missing a lot of sound effects
  • Maps feel very similar

Written by: Mathew Lindner

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