Crossroad OS

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Crossroad OS (Steam) – Review

Crossroads OS is a first-person exploration puzzle solver game developed by Guy and Daisy Games two different entities; Daisy Games also published Crossroads OS.

This game is staged as you the player are using a computer solving some puzzles when suddenly, the computer glitches and three of what appear to be viruses wreak havoc on the Operating System. You will solve puzzles, unlock new areas, defeat the three virus puzzles, and restore order.

Controls are simple you move by either using WASD or by clicking on the edges of the screen, the mouse is also used to interact with objects and the puzzles themselves. That’s it as I said easy controls, I also had no issues with inputs it all moved reasonably smoothly, at no point did I encounter an issue with movement or with interactions with objects or puzzles, so full marks.

The puzzles while not overly difficult are fun to solve, with new pieces to use to solve them, giving it just enough variety to keep it interesting.

Visually this game reminds me of the old-school Wolfenstein navigating through maze-like levels, even the texture of the levels gives me that vibe, but of course, the visuals are better than back then.

The best way I can describe it is very indie, it looks like someone made this in their garage, but that gives it heart and you can see that proper time was taken and care to create this gem.

Now though it is not overly scary they did a great job making it sound like a scary game. Walking down dark corridors with the sound of leaking pipes dripping, and constant suspenseful tunes ringing, does leave you wondering if something will just jump out at you.

On top of that the Castlevania-style hymn songs while odd for an Operating System, (I thought the sound would be more electronic) it does still fit the theme and adds a spooky yet hypnotic feel to this little puzzler.

While not a long game I think it took me roughly two hours to finish, it was still very enjoyable. I do hope that they will bring out another puzzle game with hopefully a bit more to it because I’d be down for an escape room type thing. Either way, I am excited to see what they do next.

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The Good

  • Puzzles are enjoyable and have variety
  • The music and sound effects are creepy

The Bad

  • Short and the story could use a little more meat
  • Older nostalgic graphics, rather than enjoyable

Written by: Adam Brasher


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