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Buried (Steam) – Review

Buried, developed and produced by Authogin, is exactly what it sounds like, and this is what initially intrigued me, but this one is going to be short and sweet. It’s a game you play once or twice, and maybe a third time if you’re feeling it, however, that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Buried alive, you must escape before you run out of air, and all you have is a phone. There’s no service, and you have just over 20% battery life. You must find other objects to help solve a few puzzles to escape.

Once you complete it, you can start again, and the only difference is the number of locks, but the concept is really good. If it was a little more fleshed out, maybe with more story and more problems to solve, this could be something so cool.

It is all pretty much point-and-click, though you will use some other keys to turn your phone’s light on and off, or you can turn your phone on or off to conserve power. That’s pretty much the extent of it. There were a few times it wouldn’t let me click on the locked containers, but it’s a short game, so starting again isn’t a huge deal.

It presents very well, especially since it was made rather quickly. The details of the items in the coffin are well done. They’re obviously not flashy, but practical and represent what they are. With creepy sounds, constant panting, and the initial panicked swearing of the main character, the sounds were there but not the main focus.

It’s a cool little indie game with heaps of potential, and I hope people give it a chance and check it out. I also hope Authogin continues updating Buried, making it bigger and better, because I will be keeping an eye on it.

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The Good

  • Great concept

The Bad

  • No real replayability
  • Very short ten-fifteen minutes to complete

Written by: Adam Brasher


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