Bum Bum Monsterz

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Bum Bum Monsterz (Steam) – Preview

Bum Bum Monsterz is the latest team-based multiplayer party game to hit the Steam store from Funverse Games and TheGamePublisher.com. Muster your pals for various challenges, puzzles, and obstacles and duke it out to become the ultimate winner in this teamwork-based playground.

This looks like another version of a particular game, but trust me, it isn’t. Bum Bum Monsterz allows you the customisation of said game but also something refreshing with its team-based game modes, inviting you to solve puzzles with your friends.

Teamwork is the name of the game. You and your friends can play online or locally to compete in multiple team-based mini-games. Various challenges, puzzles, and obstacles present you and your friends with hours of fun content to see which of you is the ultimate winner. Customise your character to win in style with the array of customisation you have for your little character.

Suit up in teams of two or four and work together to win the challenges. The controller, mouse, and keyboard are supported; However, the controller was more accessible. Standard movement keys paired with simple controls such as X to slap, Y to interact, and LT for a boost make learning the ropes very straightforward.

During the demo, only four game modes were available: volleyball, one where you slap each other to gain the most points, one like hot potato, and one where you jump through hoops to gain the most points. While there were only four game modes at the time, it was still a blast with friends and hooked us for hours.

The simplicity of Bum Bum Monsterz is unparalleled; there are no fancy upgrades or skills, you customise your little character, and that’s it. Launch yourself into the action. During the match, these weird cloud-looking shapes give you powerups, such as a freezing breath that freezes your opponents, a slime trap, a sudden fast burst to get away, and even one that makes you trip out and invert colours and your controls.

Bold, flamboyant colours greet you on the title screen and follow through the rest of the game. Bright, vibrant colours create the perfect atmosphere of fun to help aid in the enjoyment; Bum Bum Monsterz blends the colourful scenery and character colours in a way that isn’t too obnoxious but still screams excitement.

The backing soundtrack was quite enjoyable. It provided an excellent, upbeat, melodious tune while slapping my friends into oblivion or jumping on their heads. The sounds of a fart while boosting away to the sound your character makes when slapping your opponents was also a notable mention and further aided in the experience of simplistic fun.

Overall, Bum Bum Monsterz is fun for players of all ages and skill levels. Simple controls, easy game mechanics, vibrant colours, and upbeat, melodious tunes contribute to a beautiful time full of laughs and enjoyment. It may look like another version of a particular game, but to my surprise, it was far from it; I firmly believe you should check out Bum Bum Monsterz for hours of entertainment.

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Written by: Larry



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