BMX Gravel

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BMX Gravel (Steam) – Review

Imaginings Software is on the scene with its first PC release, ‘BMX Gravel’. BMW Gravel is a side-scrolling, psychics-based, obstacle course game where you need to ride your BMX bike through 5 stages and make sure you don’t run out of lives stacking it or you will be starting from the beginning again. This game is one for those people who love being frustrated but love the challenge.

In the current build, there are five stages and over 20 levels to try and master. I loved that each level had different environmental aspects from grassy hills, the beach and even a beautiful night scene where your BMX bike gets a mental headlight, a first I’ve seen. I felt like a little more could have been added mechanics-wise with trick combos instead of just throwing backflips and bunny hops when you got a chance. When you do those big jumps it would be great to have been able to hit a ‘Superman’ or throw your legs over one side of the bike just to add some cool animations.

The obstacles in the air and on the ground made for some interesting traversal though. You had rocks or massive puddles of water to dodge on the ground and whilst in the air the rings to hop that give you score points. All this combined makes for some super addictive gameplay, however, you will also feel the frustration of running out of lives as you go back to Level One, Stage One, regardless of where you are in the game. It adds to the typical side scroller with just that added more challenge.

I loved how simple the controls were in this game and it was fantastic you had the option of using a keyboard or an Xbox controller. I found the game a little easier on the controller but regardless of what setup you end up wanting to use, they are both great. You use the arrow keys on your keyboard and then the spacebar to jump or if you are using the controller you use the analog sticks and the RT and LT so both options are quite basic and easy to master.

I would have loved to have seen impact damage. If you hit the rings or the rocks for example, if would have been on brand to have seen your player bail from the bike but you were stuck to that thing like glue. Not a huge thing but something that would have been cool to see. You do see your legs moving as you peddle your heart out but nothing else moves. Little features such as arms flexing as you lift the front tire off the ground are missing pulling you out of the actual biking experience.

Unfortunately, the graphics for BMX Gravel are very lacklustre and rudimentary. The backgrounds looked very simplistic with a Microsoft Paint, basic polygon-like images feel. It would have been awesome to see some backgrounds that were more alive and moving with some animated elements or weather patterns.

The only animations you get are from the bike itself, making it the only star in the show. I loved the effort put into making all the levels different environments though which keeps you wanting to get further and further into the game. Hopefully, in future updates, we can see some updates to the movements on the bike and also the environment around you to engage you more.

The audio tracks also are a lot to be desired for. I turned the music off so quickly as it reminded me of some electronic music just mashed together without much thought to be used in the menu and throughout levels. Luckily, you can open the settings and turn it down super quick. Some people might enjoy it but it was not to my taste of punchy beats. Environmentally, you will hear random snippets of something dragging across the grass and that was about the extent of the sound effects.

Overall, If you want a great game to kill some time and feel like reliving the moments of playing something retro like ‘Happy Wheels’ back in the day minus the dismemberment, then ‘BMX Gravel’ is a fantastic game. If the glitz and glamour isn’t your style, and you just care about basic controls with a challenge, then hit these tracks.

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The Good

  • Great concept
  • Challenging
  • Different levels and environments

The Bad

  • Basic backgrounds
  • Lacklustre animations/audio
  • Basic movement and controls
  • More levels needed

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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