Anger Foot

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Anger Foot (Steam) – Review

Back on the 2nd of June, I told you about Anger Foot, the latest game developed by Free Lives and published by Devolver Digital. When writing about it in the preview format, I was excited at how exceptionally polished everything was, and I couldn’t stop raving about it.

Being hyper-excited about the finished product, I am sure all those in the MKAU Gaming office were ready to demonstrate their talents of Angry Foot on me so that I would shut up about it. Well, here we are on the 12th of July, and I get to review Angry Foot in all its fast-running, foot-kicking, gun-shooting glory.

If you missed my preview write-up you can read it here on the MKAU Gaming website, but I know you all love reading my work along with all the other talented writers of MKAU, so let’s not pretend you haven’t. Now I’m willing to accept new readers, after all, our regular readers are on to a good thing, and why wouldn’t they want to share the joy? So, welcome!

I highly recommend you read the preview as I won’t be retreading familiar ground with this review. However, for those dedicated readers who missed it, you better have a doctor’s certificate, or I will be around later today to give you a live demonstration of Anger Foot :D.

So, what has changed from the preview of Anger Foot to the review? Nothing, other than Anger Foot is now a complete package that is just as exciting and fun to play. Everything is the same, from the plot, gameplay, graphics, and audio, there is just now more of it and I’m very happy about that.

With no more to add to the brilliance that Anger Foot is, I’ll just reiterate what I said in the preview. “If you love fast-paced run-and-gun first-person shooters, Anger Foot should not be missed.”

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The Good

  • Replayability
  • Hyped-up music
  • Graphically vibrant
  • Adjustable difficulty
  • Completionist heaven

The Bad

  • Sensory overload

Written by: Ashley Barnett-Cosgrove


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