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AK Racing Gaming Chairs – Review

Human beings sit a lot in our lifetimes, I, myself pretty much collapse in a seat the moment I finish my day job. In saying that, don’t we deserve to splurge a bit in an activity we vigorously partake in each day?

Now at MKAU Gaming we are rocking chairs from the Nitro series, the boss a sleek, red chair to go with our logo, myself opting for the acid green. Why green you may ask? (Or not ask, I just like to pretend you talk back to me) to go with my Razer PC set up and iconic XBOX combination, of course. That’s the beauty of AK Racing chairs, they come in a wide range of colours and styles, to completely customise your look. I’m already eyeing off the new, white one ‘The Arctica’.

Photo: Lance Karrasch (AK Racing, Nitro Series) https://www.twitch.tv/mkaugaming

Resembling a seat that could have been taken straight from any sports car, this PU leather hugs you from all angles comfortably. Each panel and insert is styled with meticulous spacing, with piping of colour highlighting the rim of the chair. Embroidered in to the headrest is their logo, front and centre, with a sturdy, ergonomic metal frame supporting all your aching necks and spines (as you carry the stresses of your days on your back) and soft plastic arm rests. It’s refreshing to have a chair where you can adjust the arm rest height, I have never experienced this before, but since I sit like a Neanderthal, with my knuckles dragging on the ground, it was pleasant to push those suckers right down.

What I found was cool, was that most series come with a lumbar support and headrest aka what I nicknamed ‘El mini pillow’. The lumber support is brilliantly designed to dually strap to the chair, so it doesn’t move around, being an annoyance. ‘El mini pillow’, however while terribly cute, isn’t as functional for me as I am on the shorter side, so it doesn’t sit directly behind my head. It also looks a bit obscure in my Twitch streams, so I don’t use it. Despite this, all my colleagues love it as it supports their necks quite well. It is a nice cushion for when I faceplant my head on my desk though, after a terrible gaming performance.

Photo: Staceface_Mayhem (AK Racing, Nitro Series) https://www.twitch.tv/staceface_mayhem

After the exhilaration of a bright, shiny new purchase has dulled down, how does the chair really feel? Well it is quite a comfortable ride sitting at my computer desk, which to be honest was at first surprising despite what seems like a lack of padding. The chair does seem stiff at first glance, but I happily sat for many hours gaming away without the slightest ache. Adjusting the backrest to any angle you want, meant I didn’t just have to use it at my desk. I often found myself rolling away and watching T.V. across the room.

Photo: Simon Hayward (AK Racing, Nitro Series) https://www.twitch.tv/shavenwookielives

AK Racing Chairs especially the ones I’ve seen for review, are a comfy option for a relaxing and chilled gaming experience. They also just look downright stylish. They make even the cheapest set ups look cool and modern. Ranging in price from $299 to $795 there is a chair for any type of gamer. The shipping arrived so fast, the moment the order was process three days later the chairs were on our doorsteps. I can’t imagine ever going back to a normal office chair again, they are that good.

Check out their website for other interesting supplies. Not only do they sell chairs, but other gaming accessories such as desks, apparel etc. We even purchased our own foot stands to match.

The Good

  • Stylish
  • Confortable
  • Colourful

The Bad

  • Can be pricey

Written by: Stacey

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