3 Out Of 10

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3 Out of 10: Season 2 – Review

The absurd humour of ‘3 out of 10’ is back again for a second season. From Developer and publisher Terrible Posture Games, the second season brings back the hilarious and unconventional group of video game developers at Shovelworks Studios.

This interactive comedy sitcom, with its five highly entertaining episodes, brings in more story for our unique cast of lovable characters. From Viper, the hardcore gamer, with his love of FPS games and blood and guts, or Pylon, the lovable character with an unnatural obsession with the colour green, or Joan, who may be perceived as a harmless old lady, but kind of scares me as she might be former special forces or something equally as scary. Whoever your favourite may be, get prepared to go on an all-out, exciting journey that embraces video game culture and points fun at the absurdity of this video game-inspired world.

Taking a step back for those who are not familiar with the outrageous ‘3 out of 10’ world and concept, the premise is simple. ‘3 out of 10’ is a game but also an interactive sitcom, with the game coming out in an episodic form that currently stands at 2 seasons, the first of which contained 5 episodes. If you’re wanting to binge and catch up, Season 1 is already available on the Epic Games store, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox.

Picking up from the cliffhanger left off in season one, we come back to answer many lingering questions, but as usual, season 2 leaves us with even more. Why does Joan have a standard-issue tranquilizer gun? Who does Minge really work for? In this season, we also get to experience life at a competitor game studio, find out what the deal with video game bars is, and how not to do team-building exercises with your boss to improve productivity.

Yet again I have to highlight the amazing characters, all voiced and animated with top-notch quality and attention to detail. Whether it be the 2D or 3D backgrounds and characters, ‘3 out of 10’ certainly doesn’t disappoint, with the developer’s approach in making the game stand out in a crowd.

The story is not the only aspect of this interactive sitcom that has come back, but the mini-games that help move the story forward. Once again ‘3 out of 10’ brings a variety of mini-games to enjoy, all paying homage to many styles enjoyed in the past.

My favourite of the games was the FPS hammer gunfight against an army of motion capture drones in episode 2, but if I had to choose a second, it was the air duck game with a dungeon crawler element in episode 3, or even battling against catapults using Minge’s car with rocket launchers strapped to the roof. Don’t worry too much about being the best at any of the mini-games, as they don’t affect the overall storyline on the interactive sitcom. Instead, they are a huge highlight on what makes ‘3 out of 10’ enjoyable to watch and interact with.

As stated before in my previous review, ‘3 out of 10’ may be an interactive game, but the TV sitcom-like element and its crazy characters truly make it shine. The fun mini-games help keep the story going and are an enjoyable touch that keeps it engaging, but the story and setting are what truly drive ‘3 out of 10.’

From FPS shooters, DnD-like dungeon crawlers, to the classic platform side-scrolling, trap avoiding levels of death that vaguely reminds me of Super Mario, or the wall jumping, ceiling grabbing shooter action of Mega Man, the only disappointing aspect is the fact that is that I have to wait for the next episode to release so that I can continue the engaging story of these absurd game developers at Shovelworks Games.

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The Good

  • Absurd Humour
  • Interesting narrative
  • Great animations
  • Amazing voice acting
  • Simple controls and mini-games

The Bad

  • You have to wait for each episode to come out

Written by: Simon Hayward


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