Dr Doom Awakening Challenges

Doctor Doom’s Awakening Challenges

  1. Visit Doctor Doom’s Statue as Doctor Doom
  2. Visit a giant throne as Doctor Doom
  3. Get a Victory Royale as Doctor Doom to unlock emote

Visit Doctor Doom’s Statue as Doctor Doom

First up you have to have the Doctor Doom skin on, head to Doom’s Domain aka Pleasant Park – the one with the HUGE statue of him. That’s what you need. Head up those steps and that’s it.

Visit a giant throne as Doctor Doom

Next up, you are visiting a giant throne while your Doctor Doom. The throne is in the southeast of your map. The throne is made of rocks and trees and you’ll see it as you get close to the mountain. If you look at the map and see Retail Row it’s just under and to the right.

If you climb on to it you can emote.

Get a Victory Royale as Doctor Doom to unlock emote

You need a win, just complete the quest in Team Rumble mode.

Have your Doctor Doom skin on and use the emote at the Victory Royale screen to complete the challenges.

Written by: Kurt Frohloff

A Founder of MKAU, a gamer, a family man. I have a love of all things gaming and a wish of mine is to have more time to actually play the games we review here!



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