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Unstoppable (Steam) – Review

Seoul-based development team Funnylocks Corp has created the next adrenaline-pumping horror adventure game where you have one job and that is to escape Schindler Tower. You need to fight your way through the hordes of infected workers and use whatever you can get your hands on to survive, and not become another death within the walls of the tower. You can pick up the title over on Steam for AUD 18.95.

You start the adventure off as a delivery driver who needs to deliver a package to Schindler Tower which from the cutscenes is a big rush, little do you know once you enter the elevator your life is about to change forever. You need to adventure around the dark gloomy hallways and offices scattered about the tower and find objects like keys to help you get further into the adventure. My favourite weapons ended up being a crowbar, and the shotgun when I could grab one.

I loved the berserk mode of being able to see the enemies around you and going mental for a short amount of time. There are currently four chapters which are all slightly different which is great, and would love to see some new chapters in future updates, and see what else they can do with the story. I loved the feature which was added that if you get killed you start again regardless of where you are in the chapter.

I like the simplicity of the controls for Unstoppable, everything was close together so I could move around with ease, and cycle through weapons without needing to think about what buttons needed to be used.

You have the basic PC controls with movement being WASD, to do a standard attack you would use LMB, and to do a heavy attack you use the RMB. There is a feature for locking onto targets by hitting the scroll wheel, but it was clunky and felt like it was not always working.

You can cycle through useable items with the tab key, and Q to cycle through the two weapons that you can hold, which was convenient when you ran out of ammo for the firearms. I was surprised to see no controller support yet for Unstoppable, as I felt like it would have been slightly nicer to play on the controller, so hopefully we can see that in a future update.

There is something about aerial view games that gets me immersed, and it’s great to see there was not that much need for high-end graphics for Unstoppable. The developers did stunning work with the lightning and shadow work. I loved the cutscenes for the character models as they were done well, however, the eye tracking was kind of whacked as their eyes seemed to be all over the joint, and when the characters would lift a phone to their ears, it would be like a mile away from their face which ruined the immersion.

I was surprised that there were no graphical settings that could be adjusted apart from the resolution and the option to turn the brightness up, which I felt was unnecessary. The enemies seemed to have a couple of different models, but once you’ve seen all the enemies, it got old super quick due to the repetitiveness of it.

There was some of what you would describe as thriller music in the main menu that makes you want to click the campaign button and get amongst the action. When you enter the game you hear something like white noise if you go anywhere near the edges of the building, which I’m assuming is meant to be rain from the earlier cutscenes. Also, you hear a weird sound like you would right before something mental is about to happen in a horror movie.

There is one sound though that gets annoying super quickly, and that is the noise you get from hitting one of the infected. They all make the same sound of being kind of like half a blood splatter and a grunt. I don’t even want to get started on the sounds that come from the firearms, they sound like an audio grab from a game back in the 90’s. I would have loved to have heard some different sounds on different levels, and when doing small sections like going outside whilst there is a storm, have the audio levels lift so you can hear the rain whilst outside then back to muffled when you are inside, rather than the extreme level of it sounding like it was white noise.

If you love a top-down aerial view that is adrenaline-fueled and has the occasional jumpscare when you do not suspect someone to be there, then Unstoppable is the game for you. The controls are nice and basic and the gameplay isn’t that hard overall, allowing you to sit down and kill some time if needed. The game would be fantastic with some more fine-tuning, and I hope to see that in the future.

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The Good

  • Unstoppable Review
  • Diverse chapters
  • Simplistic controls

The Bad

  • Clunky controls
  • No controller support
  • Repetitive noises

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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