Pepper Grinder

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Pepper Grinder (Steam) – Preview

A hefty weapon and momentum-driven platforming are great ingredients to throw into a gaming experience. I had the wonderful opportunity to preview Pepper Grinder, an upcoming title by Ahr Ech, and published by the ever-on-trend Devolver Digital, and I want more as soon as humanly possible.

The compact but packed demo of the 2D action-adventure side-scroller takes off when blue-haired explorer, Pepper, washes up on a pirate-infested island. With the help of a trusty drill named Grinder, Pepper dives straight into the action to retrieve stolen treasures that Narlings, a nasty bunch of pirates, stole from her. Though traversing through various tricky terrains and perilous environments fraught with weird and wonderful creatures is easier said than done.

Luckily, my best friend here was the drill, Grinder, which is possibly the most valuable treasure of all with just how much it can do. Grinder can be used to dig through all manner of surfaces including sand and rock, and even be used to propel through the water.

I was diving into the sand before launching through it to leap into the next surface. I took to it like a fish, or more appropriately, given the jumping, a dolphin, to water, albeit a dolphin vaulting through sand half the time. It’s a super unique approach to platforming that’s fresh, satisfying, and easy to learn.

That’s not all Grinder can do – the handy hardware can be weaponized against enemies including bizarre horn-headed creatures and ghoulish pirates. Breaching the surface only to crush the opposition is delightful.

Grinder is also perfect for unearthing treasures and activating mechanisms like elevators and conveniently human-sized cannons. From the preview, it seems I already know the drill of Pepper Grinder. It’s so easy to pick up and not so easy to put down.

The cute, vibrant pixelated art and level designs fit the overall vibe: light-hearted, immersive, and addictive. Each stage is distinct from the last with varying biomes and surfaces to dive into or onto, each with unique scenery and enemy types.

All biomes require different approaches to platforming and there are always new obstacles to face. Of course, being amped up by drum and bass in intense stages, or into mellow, nearly lo-fi ambient tracks added even more flavour to the mix.

With a modernised pixelated look and colourful, fantastical levels, Pepper Grinder is shaping up to be a smashingly good time. The hardest part of the Pepper Grinder was coming to terms with the preview ending. This one is going to be carving out a good chunk of my gaming time.

Pepper Grinder is releasing sometime in 2023 for Steam and Nintendo Switch.

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Written by: Yasmin Noble


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