The 7th Guest VR

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The 7th Guest VR (Steam VR) – Preview

“It’s alive! Alive!” The 7th Guest, the classic game that chilled millions to the core in the 90s has been brought back to life with cutting-edge VR technology, completely reimagined for VR gameplay, and featuring additional enhancements to create the definitive experience. Developed and Published by the incredible talent that brought you Arizona Sunshine and After the Fall, Vertigo Games, join me as MKAU Gaming preview this hair-raising and haunting experience.

Six guests have been welcomed to the foreboding mansion, but something sinister is at play. The wealthy recluse and toymaker, Henry Stauf, hides in the shadows. There is a dark power here, shrouded in mysteries. Who is the 7th Guest? What does Henry want with them? Who will live to tell the tale? Explore the eerie mansion, solve the increasingly challenging puzzles, unlock new rooms, and uncover hidden secrets, but keep your wits about you – Dangers lurk around every corner.

Before I get into my gameplay experience, I feel it only right that I tell you a little about the original release in 1993. Developed by Trilobyte and Virgin Interactive Entertainment, The 7th Guest was a pioneer in leveraging CD-ROM technology, having garnered millions of fans globally, and due to its impressive pre-rendered 3D graphics, mature narrative, and use of live-action video clips to enhance its storytelling, it was hailed by Bill Gates as “the new standard in interactive entertainment.”

Upon startup, players will be asked to set their play preferences, such as selecting a dominant hand, teleportation or smooth movement, and whether playing standing or seated, but settings can also be adjusted on the fly using the in-game menu. Those who know me know that I’ve gone with the complete experience smooth motion has to provide, this time around, having to opt for the comfort vignette setting due to being a bit off balance and feeling sick with some medical issues.

Paddling a serpent-headed boat into a very rundown boat house that has certainly seen better days, under a full moon, lightning beyond the mansion in the background, and in the rain immediately starts to set the tone for what is yet to come.

Upon arriving at the boathouse, I was greeted by the voice of an unseen child spirit who seemed eager to help guide us on our quest to uncover the truth, and now that we have our spirit lantern in hand, it is time to make our way toward the mansion, learn how the lantern works, and solve our first puzzle to open the gates. The spirit lantern is used to not only give the player a glimpse into the past but will also materialise hidden objects or repair them.

On taking my first steps inside the foyer of the mansion, I’m immediately filled with the sense that someone is watching me. Eager to explore what I could, I took a look around and soaked in some of the creepy atmosphere, examining the intricate Gothic architecture and embracing my inner art critic while looking at the paintings on the walls. Remembering that I could also see what the mansion looked like in its prime, I started re-examining my surroundings again with the spirit lantern.

I came across one painting in particular of an elderly couple that appeared endearing and innocent when looking at it through my eyes, but when looking at it with the spirit lantern’s light, it painted a much more gruesome picture – One that is sure to get the hairs on your arms standing on end. After triggering the ghostly memory, we’re given an introduction to the six guests invited to the mansion, one of whom is a magician whose room will be the finale of our demo.

Upon entering the magician’s room and hearing the door close behind me, I felt set up with the core gameplay loop. The player is tasked with solving a series of puzzles, which, in turn, will unlock a ghost memory and open the door, allowing you to leave. The puzzles in this room didn’t feel overly difficult, though they were so intricately set up that it made them feel incredibly rewarding and thoroughly entertaining. Uncovering the truth and solving the mysteries within is going to be one hell of a ride.

It is made abundantly clear from the opening scene that a tonne of effort and attention to detail has gone into the visual experience. I could spend hours just sitting in that boat and gazing up at the stars in the night sky. The mansion itself, with its gorgeous Gothic architecture and grand design, is brought to life with stunning clarity. Even the way that the ghostly memories are brought back to life is simply incredible, and being able to move about and view them from any angle further enhances the experience.

Existing in perfect harmony with the gorgeous and hair-raising visuals is an incredible soundtrack and splendid soundscape. Hearing the creaking of old wooden floorboards, the ominous thunder looming overhead from the storm outside, and even the ticking of the old grandfather clock helps to provide a thrilling soundscape. The rather eerie soundtrack marries so well with the soundscape that I can’t wait to hear more.

The 7th Guest VR is set to be a bone-chilling, reimagining of a much-loved classic murder mystery that will leave you wanting more. I, for one, can not wait to experience all of the hair-raising haunted horrors that await us in the full release. Be on the lookout for this incredible title on Steam coming soon. A massive thank you to Vertigo Games for the opportunity to get early hands-on access.

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Written by: Gary Nielsen


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