Beholder 3

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Beholder 3 (Xbox Series X|S) – Review

Beholder 3 is a simulation strategy game developed by Paintbucket Games and Published by Alawar Premium. We begin the game with a very interesting starting cutscene that delves into what the game’s goal would be, and we play a character called Frank who lives in a society that is being closely watched, where any form of resistance or anything alike can get you into serious trouble.

For Frank, this happened, and he is forced to sign a deal with the state to continue living. As you have committed crimes against the state, you are now required to spy on the tenants of the building you have been given management over, but whilst doing the super secret spy things, you’re needing to keep your facility up and running otherwise you will never see your family again.

After the game’s starting cutscene, we can move around and start playing with the choice of a quick tutorial. It’s an in-depth tutorial that shows us the simple controls, what we are required to do in the game, and how to advance further.

After the main tutorial, you are given tasks to do during the day, and you still have to do the cleaning, remember! You have access to multiple ways of acquiring things in Beholder 3. If you require something legal, you can get it from the Kiosk, but if you’re needing something illegal, you’re able to get something from the Black Marketeer.

Once given a task by the government, you have a set amount of time to complete it, and if they are not completed, you will most likely be given a harsh consequence.

Even though the art style is a bit gloomy, it really fits in with the type of game Beholder 3 is set in, and it makes you feel like you’re actually in the game at that moment. Even the environment that we’re able to interact with and view makes the game feel even more real.

The amazing opening scene has voice acting, but unfortunately, this is where it seems to end and you’re left with walls of text to read.

The music is nice and relaxing, and it really fits the type of game we’re playing, but it can also feel a little too quiet, so you’ll possibly find yourself turning up your headphones. Other sounds and audio-related items also seem to fit in, and they are also not overpowering, which is sometimes a good thing for games.

Beholder 3 is an interesting and fun game that comes from the publishers of the Beholder game series. The controls and tutorial are the major factors for this title. The audio is good but it could be better, and even with the small issues, Beholder 3 is a great game. I’ll happily play it again.

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The Good

  • Easy Controls
  • In-depth Tutorial
  • Interesting Story

The Bad

  • Too much reading

Written by: Mitchell Batchelor


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