The Fridge Is Red

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The Fridge Is Red – Review

‘The Fridge is Red’ is a collection of six psychological horror episodes and is developed by 5Word Team and published by tinyBuild. We start the game by opening a red fridge, with what seems to be two containers.

These two containers are the stories that we’re able to play. Both are different stories, so choose whichever you’d like! You will gain access to all the other episodes after playing through the episodes we have access to.

The controls are straightforward and easy to learn, W/A/S/D to move around, and left click to interact with items. Right-click is used to zoom in, so if you’re needing to look at something you’re able to zoom in and look closer! This episode can be confusing when you first jump into it as you don’t get put into a tutorial just thrown right into the deep end, so it may take a few tries to get a grip of the controls and what your objectives are.

If you choose the left container you are thrown into a very dark room which has, you guessed it! A red fridge inside the room. The goal of this part of the episode is to find all the magnets that are hidden throughout the room but make not to look away from the fridge for extended periods of time, as the fridge will move ever closer. If the fridge gets too close your game will end. Once you collect all the missing magnets, the fridge opens up, the game ends, and you complete the episode.

If you decide to choose the right container you awake in an office as the phone is ringing. Once you get out of your office you are required to walk through a very creepy hallway that leads to an elevator. All the doors you walk by have the sign “Get In the elevator” on them. Once you get into the elevator the real story begins. Each episode is loaded with objectives so keep an eye out on your surroundings as spooky as they may seem.

The graphics for ‘The Fridge Is Red’ is really creepy and yet interesting. You’d expect a creepy and dark theme from a game that is a psychological horror and The Fridge Is Red delivers in that aspect and it also does something that is different from most games in its genre.

All of the audio is suitable for the game, it’s creepy in most aspects but not too creepy that you won’t want to put your headset back on. There are times when there is narration and the voices of the narration speak in a demon-like tongue, which fits completely within the atmosphere they are building.

During my playthrough, there were no experiences of glitches or anything alike. It seems very thought out and attuned with what’s expected from an up-and-coming indie horror game. There could have been times when we the players were given hints about where to go or how to continue with a part of an episode, as it seems like you can get stuck if you don’t exactly know what you’re doing as you are just thrown straight in.

The Fridge Is Red is a very fun game, even if it’s a psychological horror game, it can still be exciting to play for the seer thrill of a mystery. It was difficult getting into the game as I didn’t exactly know the controls but once I gave the game a few tries I figured the controls out and kept trucking on through the episodes. I loved that the game gives us multiple “episodes” to play just in one game with so much content to continually play and have fun with. I do wish we were given a tutorial to figure out the controls though.

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The Good

  • Straightfoward controls
  • Good Amount Of Content To Play
  • Interesting gameplay
  • Great Audio/Music

The Bad

  • • No Tutorial to learn controls before playing.

Written by: Mitchell Batchelor


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