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Ghostrunner: Complete Edition [Xbox Series X] – Review

Have you ever wanted a game where everything is super quick? Then ‘Ghostrunner: Complete Edition’ is for you. Ghostrunner is brought to us by the Polish Team at One More Level and there is not one moment to breathe involved in this one.

The base game was released in 2020, however, since then the Xbox Series X|S upgrades have been released and the Project_HEL DLC, with their latest release, Ghostrunner: Complete Edition, being the most recent addition, which includes the prequel DLC “Project_Hel”, post-launch game modes, and all previously released cosmetic packs.

If you’d like to check out our review for “Project_Hel DLC” or any of our previous reviews for “Ghostrunner” on PC or Nintendo Switch, please follow the links below.

To summarise, Ghostrunner is a first-person, sword-wielding, parkour masterpiece. It is based in a cyberpunk universe that requires you to traverse many obstacles to finish the level with some of the obstacles being actual puzzles and objectives.

The enemies are also trying to kill you whilst you are doing those sick parkour moves. This game is a speed runner’s dream. Instant deaths are added too, which means you need to perfect each run.

Ghostrunner: Complete Edition comes with action-packed inclusions with a couple of cosmetics and DLCs; along with the game’s main DLC Project_Hel which is the prequel. The game has also added additional game modes to make the game that little more challenging. The first one is ‘Wave Mode’. The other two game modes are a nice “Photo Mode” and the best I could describe it would be a ‘Time Attack’; a free-for-all-like massacre. If the game was not already good enough this was the cherry on top.

“Wave Mode” throws you into a narrow passageway where you need to kill the onslaughts of enemies and you might have guessed they come in waves that become increasingly harder and harder. Once you have finished one of the waves you are granted three upgrade abilities that can be used. These stack over time to help you to become more powerful. This game mode was a heap of fun but unfortunately, I am not as quick as I used to be and kept dying. This game is a challenge, do not go in lightly, the other reviews will definitely attest to this.

The cosmetic packs include the Neon Pack, Metal OX Pack, Winter Pack & The Halloween Pack. These add unique sets for your gloves and swords so you can really make the game feel like your own with custom colours.

Overall, Ghostrunner: Complete Edition is the edition any hardcore runners should acquire. It has a vast range of skins and all the add-ons in one nice little bundle. So, if you are super keen on jumping into this game to inflict immense trauma on yourself through its energetic but challenging parkour ninja gameplay, this should be your first stop.

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The Good

  • Gameplay
  • Movement
  • Sounds
  • Graphics
  • Skins (Cosmetics)
  • Sweet bundle of all you need

The Bad

  • I kept dying

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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