MX vs ATV Legends

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MX vs ATV Legends – Review

MX Vs ATV is back with the 7th installment of the loved game for anyone that is into the outdoors. MX Vs ATV Legends puts you back on the back of a motorbike, the seat of an ATV, or even, if you prefer, being inside a UTV. MX Vs ATV Legends has all of the above and is hours of fun.

When you first start up the game you are put into a tutorial that shows you the basics of the mechanics in the game how to Ride, Jump & do the triple backflips you have always dreamed of, even though I still can’t land them. There were a couple of things in the tutorial that took me a couple of attempts to finish.

Once the tutorial is finished, you are thrown into what looks like some property the team owns, and you have the freedom to ride how you want. This has everything from some high-speed straights to a full track with jumps, all to practice the technique in each vehicle.

The mechanics have been overhauled for this game, making the riding and driving feeling more realistic than ever. At times, I found that if I did not have the perfect angle for a landing it was slowing me down or making me fall off the bikes, which, in turn, was making me lose positions in the race. You can lean into the corners which helps you slide and maintain your speed, which increases the chance of passing someone on the inside.

The graphics look stunning in this game. Everything from the berms being chewed out to the shadows, and even the grass overlooking the tracks. There is nothing quite like taking off on a 2-Stroke motorbike to find the dirt/mud flinging up the back of the bike. Everything looked polished when it came to in-game graphics, and the menu was easy to navigate and easy on the eyes.

Something you notice from the start is the soundtrack whilst racing. The choices of songs are amazing in this game. It’s a mixed genre masterpiece, with everything from Electronic to Heavy Metal, and I could not find a song that didn’t have me hyped up to be racing. You’ll notice sometimes whilst racing the song cuts in and out so the level of the volume drastically changes.

The customisation menu is so simple and clean for anyone to be able to use. I managed to get to use it a little on the motorbikes with some parts I had won from the races I took part in. It’s more performance than anything, and you can upgrade the clutch, suspension, and anything that will make the ride better and increase the chances of you winning. The customisation does not stop with the vehicles, as you can also customise the rider with what gear they are wearing, which are unlocked during races, and make changes to the number and name on the back. This also goes hand and hand with the cosmetic changes on the vehicles, so you can have a matching rider and vehicle.

MX VS ATV Legends has got an interesting online section built into the game where you have two options if you want to do some “Quick Races” or you can also have the option to enter the “Online Compound” where you can free ride around with your mates or even just randoms you find in the compound. The online section needs some work done to it which I’m sure will come in future updates.

I was able to jump into a couple of races and the word crazy is one I would definitely use, as the starting gates had us all stacked-on top of each other and in the first turn you witness absolute carnage. It runs the same as the single-player races but as you can imagine you are not versing A.I. you are versing real people so you get thrown off the bike a little more than normal.

I’m keen to jump further into this game and see everything it has to offer, and hopefully, by then, I’ll be able to land a double, if not, triple backflip. To anyone that loves a fast-paced game where the smallest mistake could cost you a race, this one is for you. It does not matter if you want two wheels or four, this has everything to offer. Who knows, you could become the new MX Vs ATV Legend.

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The Good

  • Soundtrack
  • Game Mechanics
  • Vehicles
  • Graphics

The Bad

  • Random Freezes
  • Music Volume

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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